Saturday night 18/08/07
After church I went to Bedok to eat with my CG members. After finish eating, I planned what to do tomorrow, which includes going to the gym at Bedok North. It cost 2 bucks only. But then I went pass this magazine shop, asked the auntie how much is First magazine. “Four fifty only.” And so I bought that and Men’s Health too. Auntie said, “Okay, ten fifty.” So I paid.
After walking a few meters from the stall, I paused and checked my wallet – I got one buck left. X)
Sunday 19/08/07
The sound of my phone’s sms’ beep was the first thing I heard in the morning. “Tobs, where r u going today?”
“I’m not going anywhere… u?” That was just a quick reply, coz a few seconds later I remembered my plan for the day.
She said, “Me too.”
So I called the number that smsed me – Erika’s mom.
For you that have yet to notice, Erika’s phone was cut off for overdue payment of bill. Taught you people something, huh? Don’t pay your bills… TOO late… ;)
Maybe it’s a good idea to get her a temporary number. Hmmmsss..
So I told her my plan for the day and she said she wanna tag along. So I think I got a date.
EH! Friend’s date ok! Dun kill me, man. The last thing I want is a durian stuck on my head. X)
Waited for her at Tampines mac. Bought an Ice Cream Cone for sixty cents. That was my lunch coz that’s the only thing that I can afford at that time.
Went to ParkWay. On the bus I promised her “later on… IF I have enough money, treat you lunch k!”
Went on to exchange the 100 Euro my grandpa gave me and got 205.6 Sing dollars! I was jubilant! I mean, it recharges me right away! Trima kasih Opa! =P
So we went to walk around at ParkWay and was surprised to see the big book shop closed down. So we went to popular to browse stuffs and then right to the highlight of the day: Warung Penyet. It’s a Indo restaurant. Went to eat Ayam Penyet and she ordered a Soda Gembira (Happy Soda. A mixture of strawberry soda with condensed milk. Yeap, a carbonized bandung) and after the whole thing, she flew. ;)
You should see her expression. It looks as if she just went for a sixty five dollars spa and extra thirty nine ninety dollars full body massage. Hahaha! But yes, it was a very good meal.
Went to Mandarin Gardens and rented Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy. On the way we talked about very interesting subjects. It has some sex flavor in it too. ;)
But she was very attentive and listens to me. So it’s a good sign. She’s willing to learn.
Eh eh, alamak, I didn't teach anything bad ok! If somehow Erika's mum's reading this, don't worry auntie... I mean, Erika's mum! (Can I like, get her name so that I can address her properly?) I'm a good friend and I'm not teaching your daughter anything bad! I’m just telling more about the male species and their urges to help her in her current status of relationship. Oh, did she told you already? =P
And I had the chance to share with her some guys’ secret of their desire and sexual impulses. I hope it’s useful for you, my friend – not many guys are willing to share about these classified topics.
But, aiya, what’s the use of internet nowadays uh? Go and look for articles luh! Although I personally feel most of the stuffs written on the net are plain rubbish...
Went back to ParkWay and chill at Starbuckz. Played minesweeper and took screenshot of what happened! I got two grids left and I had no choice but to guess! It was the lower-right corner and my time was 158 – I hit the wrong one.
So I went on and this time I had to make another guess at the lower-left corner. My time was 150 and guess what? Yes, I hit the wrong one. =((
It sux to the maxxx I tell you. Sigh, too bad for some reason I can’t upload the pic. Maybe next time.
Anw! Erika left with his guy to Bugis. So I went to watch Rush Hour 3 myself at Tampines Mall. Actually I was reluctant to go, but HP said I should. So I did. =P
It was funny, I have to say, but the story’s bad. No substance.
Hmm, ain’t so bad being a spare tire for the day, huh? Eh, alrite, maybe don’t use that term – it has a bad history. =P
It ain’t so bad being a “ditch me when you’re done with me” kinda’ guy, huh? Hahaha! Naaahh… that made Erika sounded so bad. And only use the word “ditch” if we’re together! Which in this case, clearly not. Okay okay, I go the phrase… Ehem…
It ain’t so bad being a “I’ll be there when u need me” kinda’ guy, huh? ;)
Monday 20/08/07
Met the two gals at Tampines, transformed into a invisible man inside the bus. But it’s not so bad. ;)
Got an intelligent Q from Erika, “Why didn’t you follow us to Bugis yesterday?”
Hehe, it’s like asking your colleague, “Hey, why don’t you come over tonight? I’ll be having sex with my husband on the living room” Kinda’ thing… Hehe, you get the picture.
Reach Mandarin Gardens and thought to myself, “what would the guard think? Yesterday I brought one girl in, now two… what’s next? A whole bus of girls?” Hehehe… I wish…
Anw! Sad that mEl and Ernie can’t join earlier for the lunch. And for some reason HB didn’t come. So three of us went to eat at ThaiPan and it was uber nice! The food was sexy, I’m telling u. The honey chicken? Looovveee….
So, bought some beers to drink. Carlsberg is too light! Can’t taste a thing. No wonder it was the cheapest around. Went to watch Bourne Identity. mEl and Ernie came to join in on the last part and then we continued straight away to watch Bourne Supremacy. Left for TM and watched Bourne Ultimatum! Muhahaha… Twentieth August Two Thousand and Seven shall be known as The Bourne IdenPreMatum Day! XD
On the way to Tampines, I was asking about a few Chinese phrases. I was thinking, if I were to stay here in Singapore, since I’m gonna be a PR here, I might marry a Singapore gal after all! So, we’ll have some kids, right? And most probably he/she gotta learn Chinese, right? And so wouldn’t it be bad if the daddy don’t know a single Chinese word? But then what about Indonesian? I think I’ll teach him/her too. But then surely my wife would want me to learn Chinese, but then to make things equal I had to teach her Indo! Hahaha… Hey, planning for future k. Bottom line: I’ll start learning bits of Chinese. =P
Bourne Supremacy is plain cool. It’s just amazes me of how Bourne can think of all the stuffs that he did… (I know, more like how the writer thinks of the script… but still!!) seriously, go and watch. 9/10 from me. ;)
Read Erika’s blog for details of the happenings of the day.
Oh, Beng joined for the movie. Good to have him along. ;)
Played bridge during the night and it was fun. Sigh… not meant to be. =P
Hmms… Earlier at the bus, HP and I were talking about some stuffs. One of it is about this guy. Hehehe. Afterwards another topic and then I said, “Hey, I’ll bring you to where I brought Erika to eat. Free on Wednesday?”
She answered quite fast, “Yes, I don’t have anything on Wednesday. And I shall keep my Wednesday free for this.”
“Hmmm. But what if someone else more special asked you to go somewhere? Surely you’ll cancel this.” You know who I was referring to. =P
“Hey, I’m not that kind of person ok!”
“Hehehe, okay, let’s see tomorrow.”
“K, we’ll see.” And she has this “let’s bet” kinda’ tone. =P
And then we went to another topic and I was mentioning about Cleo.
Cleeooo!! You’re like invisible nowadays! Hahaha. How are you doing? A lot changed and I heard you’re leading a group by the end of the year, yeah? Hope you get baptized very, very soon! I’ll keep in prayers that your parents’ heart will be open about it. =)
Miss talking to you on the phone about how the guys are doing. Can’t really miss smsing you coz out of the 100 sms I had inside my Sent Messages folder, I think I only got ten sms with your name inside my Inbox. X)
And you’re suppose to tell me about a story, remember? About the thing that you told Pastor? You said “next time”. But when you said it that day, I had a feeling that “next time” is pretty distant. I mean, can barely spend time with you nowadays. I think you’re busy, plus you spare your free time only for him, huh? =P
Nah, you’ll spare some times for your members too, I know. Spare some for your good friend luh! =)
Hey you still owe me fifteen! Hehehehe… Treat me Ayam Penyet luh. Twice. =P
Sigh, I remembered the day we were talking about how close we were, but that we know that it wont be like that forever and things will change. You remember that? Well, little that I know the day it happened will be the day we went to poly. =)
Oh well, we’ll always be best friends, right? =P
Take good care and I’ll just pray for the best for you always. Cya around, God’s girl. ;)
Hehehe, I know she wont be reading this. But oh wells. Don’t you guys, all readers out there, know how many people out there are thinking of you right now? How they are talking about you, whether it’s good or bad, right now as you’re reading this? You don’t know how many people is missing you and lovin’ you or wanting to see you again. You don’t know who kept you close to their heart, even when you disappeared and you thought you left their memory and life and to discover you were wrong. =)
Tuesday 21/08/07
Woke up late and had a feeling that tomorrow Ruben’s gonna invite me for dinner. But tomorrow I’m suppose to go out. So, I was unsure what I was supposed to do. It was funny how strong the feeling was. I was thinking, maybe I should sms him and said, “Hey dude, don’t invite me for dinner tmr k? make it Thursday or smthing.” But you know how thick-skinned it sounds?
So I just double confirmed with HP by means of sms. “So! Tmr! Hehe… anywhere u wanna go after e lunch?”
Beep beep… “Hey, super uber sorry but can we meet earlier tml to hav early lunch? Cause I hav to leave early. Going to watch Secret with my cousins.”
Cousins, was not the ones I thought it would be, those that interrupt our plan. I was a bit disappointed and really thought to myself, man’s plans always fails. Hehehe. But also, everything happens for a reason. “Hmmm… how bout we change it to Thursday?”
She said, “Mmm if Thursday can. I’ll be free”
Right away I was reminded of our conversation yesterday, “U said that you’ll be free tmr… what if you got sudden plans again? =)”
“Hahas that was kinda last min. Well thurs is okay. If not I’ll treat u instead k. Deal?”
Honestly, I was not allured to the deal almost at all. Was just hoping that someone would keep her word, “Haha.. Alrite.. Thursday it is..” =)
Actually it was a mixed feeling, coz besides disappointment, I felt that this might just be a good thing coz tmr I might have another plan coming up – the feeling’s still there.
Went on to watch Jim Carrey on YouTube! Omg, you should REALLY watch them! Here’s the link:
One of my fav is “Jim Carrey - What is love spoof”
And on the third page got “Jim Carrey – Reverend”… uber funny! Christians and Catholics can get the joke better but it’s free for all… Hahaha…
If you got the chance, watch ALL! Hahaha… some are just lame but most are down-right funny. It really made my day.
Left for Bedok to eat my first meal at 6.40pm. Smsed my mom about my new addiction towards minesweeper! I mean, I just can’t help but kept on playing! I asked her what was her high score for expert, since she’s my role model, and she said it was around 147 if her memory serves her right. But I knew she had done better coz somehow it’s printed in my mind that she did a double digit timing for expert – without using flags almost at all!
So now I’m on this journey to beat best her high score. And then se told me that last time during her working times at Jakarta, she was the best in her office and no one can beat her two digit best score! And so I was really inspired and said to her that next time when I start work, I’ll be the best in my office in terms of minesweeper! X)
And I’ll teach my kid how to plat minesweeper from 4 years old. =P
Hey, planning for future k.
Went straight to Expo for a prayer meeting til 10pm. Left to have dinner with Ruben. Finally I got a chance to catch up with u bro! And guess what he said? “Hey, come over for dinner tomorrow.” ;)
My feeling was right after all. Everything happens for a reason. Is it You, God? Telling me all these earlier? Hahaha. All is good. =)
After dinner, we planned what to do tmr:
1. He’s skipping school so I’m meeting him at 10.30am at Bedok to get his MC.
2. While waiting, I’ll read thru his Chem notes on Endo/Exothermic and Nuclear Physics to refresh my memory.
3. Go to some condo that he said has a very nice swimming pool and warm water pool and have some good swimming time.
4. Chill at the condo’s lounge and I’ll teach him on those topics I read earlier.
5. Open my laptop and start studying.
6. Dinner time, go his house and enjoy the wonderful, sexy food the mum cook.
Waaahh… What a life, huh? Ten times better than watching a movie by Jay Chou. X)
And from a date with a girl became a date with a guy. Sad uh... Hahaha. But it ain't that bad. ;)
That reminds me, I gotta sleep. Hahaha!
Good night world! Love ya’ll! =)