Take Care!! >.<
I think I will be absent from blogging til the end of Oct.
So no need to visit this place so often k? It'll be dormant for a while. Hehehe...
Well, enjoy life people! Love ya'll! =)
Anw, when I got the chance I'll update this blog. I'm just admiring what I'm doing right now and can't help but to let the world know! XD
Life's wonderful. :)
The days without studies. =P
Woke up a bit late but managed to meet Ruben at Bedok Polyclinic. The Q was horribly long but we discussed about some Physics topics while waiting. Went straight to the condo opposite his house afterwards.
The Jacuzzi was awesome! I mean, it’s actually hot water! And there’s also the bubbly-bubbly thingy which massages my body very well! Since I left my swimming goggles behind, I didn’t do much swimming but more like slacking around at the warm pool. ;)
And the weather was not very nice for swimming. I brought my tanning oil for nothing.
Went to eat the delicious roast pork somewhere near Ruben’s house. We actually added 50cents of rice for each of us. Hahaha. It rox.
Went his house to chill around, play some songs and games. He downloaded this pokemon game to my comp. U know pokemon gameboy? Yeah, he said there’s this guy that somehow combined three pokemon series into one so it’s gonna be a hella long yet fun, according to him, computer game. But the nice part is that there’s a cheat to make the game speed 5000%! So it took us only about an hour to reach lvl 30 plus. Well I was not pretty interested in it, but the brothers and he seems to dig it a lot. =P
Supposed to study but in the end, the dinner was too delicious for me to be thinking about studies. Hahaha… Oh oh! And the best part was Ruben’s mom bought me this Ed Hardy jacket from Malaysia! It’s like, omG… u know the original one is like S$200++?? And I think the one she bought is not far from that price. He said she stroke S$5K gambling. Hahaha. So, thank you auntie and thank You God. X)
Thursday 23/08/07
Practically spend the whole day with HP. X)
Woke up on time but I received an sms that says someone’s gonna be late. So I took my time and stroll around my room before I left. Oh! But it was a pretty hard decision figuring out what to bring. I was expecting the weather to be like yesterday, so I thought beach is a no no and I should wear shoes and jacket. And since beach is a no no, guitar is a no no either. And I thought to myself, we’re gonna be on the move all day looking for some stuff so my laptop will be a no no. If I were to bring my laptop, I will just play games and it could ruin the day. Hehehe. So it’s a no no. In the end I brought only my pencil case, cheque and umbrella. Which I thought was a yes yes.
Once I reach the tiny Mac at Tampines, I bought an ice cream cone. Brings back memories! The only thing I could afford last Sunday. XD
After she reached (only 20 mins late) we went to the bank to drop my cheque. Were sitting on a sofa inside the bank and thought maybe we can bring it back to school? So there’ll be more than just that dirty, full of food crumbs, dusty purple sofa at 6219. Hehe, nice thinking, gal. ;)
Sat on the place where Erika sat on Monday at bus 31 where I was a mere shadow at the back. =P
Talked about some random stuff… (Actually I remembered, but dun think u want me to mention all of them here, do u? =P)
Reach ParkWay and straight to the highlight of the day! Warung Penyet! And that was when the crap came about. She was smsing this someone we all know, and so I took out my phone too. Then she went, “Hey we sms each other luh!”
U know how stupid that is? But then I went to sms her, “Dun lame can?” XD
And after some moments of laughter she said, “I have a question…” and went on to type something. I received and sms… from her… that asked me, “where r u”
Hah! Didn’t know this seemingly harmless girl can be so lame! So I replied, “at warung penyet! Who r u with?” and then after some other moments of laughter we start shooting at each other of how lame we were. I just wasted 10cents…
Walked to ParkWay mall and then browsed some random stuffs (shouldn’t mention it, huh? =P)
Was kinda’ surprised to met Alvin there! He looked at the two of us and gave that look and asked me a question I really love, “Tien Beng how?” XD
Little that we know (little that I know, at least) that we’ll meet him later on. Yeap. ;)
Afterwards we went to popular to look around. I love killing time there coz I can find all the art stuffs there. And the books is not bad too. Since that book shop at ParkWay closed down, it felt like a big part of ParkWay itself is really taken away. Thank God for popular. ;)
My mom called! I was very happy then! Chatted for about 15mins. Got to say a few words to my little bro that just ended school for the day too. He somehow sounds bigger already. =P
HP was bored, so at the papers corner where I was selecting some colored papers and talking on the phone, she just sit there like a road block. XD
Well, I can understand! I mean, just moments before we met Alvin earlier, she was talking on the phone too. And she would just talk so softly and stand far away in one corner looking at the same thing for ten minutes while giggling away. I just left the shop and she didn’t even notice! XD
Went on the beach, and I was wearing jacket for goodness sake. The weather was not that cloudy at all! It was sunny! Apparently I brought all the wrong stuff out. X)
Went to Mac Café and had a very nice Mocha Frappe. Played some card games that supposedly predict love life. The results wasn’t so good for you, huh HP? =P
Saw Beng! It was like such a perfect timing. Just when we left the café and went to the open, I saw him walk right in front of us! So we followed and hide behind a tree. I thought he was gonna swim or something but apparently he was just sitting there enjoying nature and clearly pondering about stuffs heaven knows. =)
He spotted us and so we came nearer to him. Accidentally kicked HP’s right hand near the elbow there! I’m very very sorry k! felt so bad coz I know it hurts. =(
But hey, they say chicks digs guys with scars, maybe vice versa? Guys digs chicks with bruises? Hahahaha… nvm…
Three of us sat at the water breaker, a corner sheltered by a tree. It was uber nice and relaxing! Been a while since I enjoyed the beach like so. Saw a rainbow! It was beautiful. Damn, should’ve brought my guitar. =P
*singing* some-wheeee-----ree--- overrr the rain-booo----oowww--- *singing*
The best part was, when I was lying on the slope of the water breaker, and no, no wave came crashing down on me, but instead I got sand on my mouth. XD
How? You asked? Well, thanks to someone who tried to clean her hands from the sands and did it right above my face where the wind is blowing. XD
Did it once, “Eh! Sorry!” and unconsciously did it again and said while laughing, “Eh eh! Sorry sorry!” before doin it for the third time and made me speechless. I was wondering if that was purposeful? Revenge for the hand kicking? Hehehe. But nah, I understand, as she confessed, got a little problem with coordination. XD
Btw, u gotta learn how to swim next time!
Three of us went to eat at sakae sushi. A killer. As in, nice, and expensive. But oh well…
Went back after that and got a bit high inside the bus. Did the action for the whole song of Hotel California. Thank goodness the bus driver did not change the bus’s course and went straight to the mental hospital. XD
It was fun and yet very tiring. On my way home I could barely open my eyes and was really afraid I missed my stop. Hahaha. But in the end that night I slept at 6am. ;)
“So, good day today, huh? Good food, good drink and good chocolate.”
“Mmhmm… and good company.”
“Hahaha… well then, good night.”
Friday 24/08/07
Woke up to meet Ruben at his place and ate a very nice fish fillet dish! It’s like ten times much better than long john’s. Hehehe. Short John Bronze…
Slack around til 4pm and left for Cleo’s house.
Met this two kids from St.Pat and they’re… how should I put it… hardcore.
One of them is the son of uncle Randy’s friend and they can’t get any more hardcore than they are then.
Hey, they played heavy metal for crying out loud! They’re like, what? Fifteen? Hahaha. They’re good with their guitar and solos and melodies and stuff… but they don’t even know what chords are! They simply memorize the friggin’ tab of the song! And I would lloooveeee to meet the singer one day. I wonder if he even can shout to scare a cat. And the drummers? I doubt he can play any of the songs close to 70% of the speed. Hehehee… I know how cocky I sound, but really…
And the way they dress, tapered jeans until can not taper anymore. Damn gay! XD
I felt like tearing their jeans and leave them with their undies. It’s better if they have the face, but look at them! How I wish I had their pictures. Guess I failed even to consider taking their picture. But oh well, like what uncle Randy said, gotta appreciate all kinda’ music. ;)
Trying very hard, uncle.
Hahaha, I know, discrimination. But it turns Ruben off even more. Hahaha. My comments are nothing compared to his. Practiced for the gig on Sunday. Playing Fall Out Boys: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, This Aint A Scene, Hum Hallelujah, Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am, and maybe we’re gonna include The Take Over The Break’s Over.
Cleo and Stephen reached home at around 7 and had dinner with them at her house. While Stephen’s playin guitar at the attic, had a chance to chat with her for like, an hour? Not bad at all. =)
“My classmates knows him too. They always thought that he’s my bf.”
“Oh, he’s not? Then what? Just friends?” =P
“Well, why not?”
“Yeah right…” (You people always said that too… just friends… lies! =P)
“Anw, he thinks that my dad don’t like him.”
“Pfft… I can understand that… I mean, how much can musicians make?”
“Exactly. And truth is still the truth, love without money can bring a lot of problem.”
Ruben and I was talking about it a couple of days back…
He asked me,
“Hey, you know about Cleo and Stephen already alr?”
“Like damn long ago luh…”
“Hahaha, but next time how sia? The wife will make all the money and working her ass off while the husband–” *acts like playing guitar and faking a guitar sound while making a retarded face*
“Well, true enough…”
“I mean, got so many musicians in the world, even if he wanna be famous, who in the world would choose an Asian to westerners? Stereotypes are out there in the world. It’s real. And we Asians, including him, are the victims here, my friend…”
Hehehe, u know him, he’ll do most of the talking in a conversation. But well, as good friends we’ll support Stephen as much. No one knows the future, and no matter how grim his future looks like, we still believe for the best. ;)
God can make miracles happen. Big ones. Amen. Hehehehehe…
Good night world. Love ya’ll. ;)
Yaaawwwnnn... posted at four AM...
After church I went to Bedok to eat with my CG members. After finish eating, I planned what to do tomorrow, which includes going to the gym at Bedok North. It cost 2 bucks only. But then I went pass this magazine shop, asked the auntie how much is First magazine. “Four fifty only.” And so I bought that and Men’s Health too. Auntie said, “Okay, ten fifty.” So I paid.
After walking a few meters from the stall, I paused and checked my wallet – I got one buck left. X)
Sunday 19/08/07
The sound of my phone’s sms’ beep was the first thing I heard in the morning. “Tobs, where r u going today?”
“I’m not going anywhere… u?” That was just a quick reply, coz a few seconds later I remembered my plan for the day.
She said, “Me too.”
So I called the number that smsed me – Erika’s mom.
For you that have yet to notice, Erika’s phone was cut off for overdue payment of bill. Taught you people something, huh? Don’t pay your bills… TOO late… ;)
Maybe it’s a good idea to get her a temporary number. Hmmmsss..
So I told her my plan for the day and she said she wanna tag along. So I think I got a date.
EH! Friend’s date ok! Dun kill me, man. The last thing I want is a durian stuck on my head. X)
Waited for her at Tampines mac. Bought an Ice Cream Cone for sixty cents. That was my lunch coz that’s the only thing that I can afford at that time.
Went to ParkWay. On the bus I promised her “later on… IF I have enough money, treat you lunch k!”
Went on to exchange the 100 Euro my grandpa gave me and got 205.6 Sing dollars! I was jubilant! I mean, it recharges me right away! Trima kasih Opa! =P
So we went to walk around at ParkWay and was surprised to see the big book shop closed down. So we went to popular to browse stuffs and then right to the highlight of the day: Warung Penyet. It’s a Indo restaurant. Went to eat Ayam Penyet and she ordered a Soda Gembira (Happy Soda. A mixture of strawberry soda with condensed milk. Yeap, a carbonized bandung) and after the whole thing, she flew. ;)
You should see her expression. It looks as if she just went for a sixty five dollars spa and extra thirty nine ninety dollars full body massage. Hahaha! But yes, it was a very good meal.
Went to Mandarin Gardens and rented Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy. On the way we talked about very interesting subjects. It has some sex flavor in it too. ;)
But she was very attentive and listens to me. So it’s a good sign. She’s willing to learn.
Eh eh, alamak, I didn't teach anything bad ok! If somehow Erika's mum's reading this, don't worry auntie... I mean, Erika's mum! (Can I like, get her name so that I can address her properly?) I'm a good friend and I'm not teaching your daughter anything bad! I’m just telling more about the male species and their urges to help her in her current status of relationship. Oh, did she told you already? =P
And I had the chance to share with her some guys’ secret of their desire and sexual impulses. I hope it’s useful for you, my friend – not many guys are willing to share about these classified topics.
But, aiya, what’s the use of internet nowadays uh? Go and look for articles luh! Although I personally feel most of the stuffs written on the net are plain rubbish...
Went back to ParkWay and chill at Starbuckz. Played minesweeper and took screenshot of what happened! I got two grids left and I had no choice but to guess! It was the lower-right corner and my time was 158 – I hit the wrong one.
So I went on and this time I had to make another guess at the lower-left corner. My time was 150 and guess what? Yes, I hit the wrong one. =((
It sux to the maxxx I tell you. Sigh, too bad for some reason I can’t upload the pic. Maybe next time.
Anw! Erika left with his guy to Bugis. So I went to watch Rush Hour 3 myself at Tampines Mall. Actually I was reluctant to go, but HP said I should. So I did. =P
It was funny, I have to say, but the story’s bad. No substance.
Hmm, ain’t so bad being a spare tire for the day, huh? Eh, alrite, maybe don’t use that term – it has a bad history. =P
It ain’t so bad being a “ditch me when you’re done with me” kinda’ guy, huh? Hahaha! Naaahh… that made Erika sounded so bad. And only use the word “ditch” if we’re together! Which in this case, clearly not. Okay okay, I go the phrase… Ehem…
It ain’t so bad being a “I’ll be there when u need me” kinda’ guy, huh? ;)
Monday 20/08/07
Met the two gals at Tampines, transformed into a invisible man inside the bus. But it’s not so bad. ;)
Got an intelligent Q from Erika, “Why didn’t you follow us to Bugis yesterday?”
Hehe, it’s like asking your colleague, “Hey, why don’t you come over tonight? I’ll be having sex with my husband on the living room” Kinda’ thing… Hehe, you get the picture.
Reach Mandarin Gardens and thought to myself, “what would the guard think? Yesterday I brought one girl in, now two… what’s next? A whole bus of girls?” Hehehe… I wish…
Anw! Sad that mEl and Ernie can’t join earlier for the lunch. And for some reason HB didn’t come. So three of us went to eat at ThaiPan and it was uber nice! The food was sexy, I’m telling u. The honey chicken? Looovveee….
So, bought some beers to drink. Carlsberg is too light! Can’t taste a thing. No wonder it was the cheapest around. Went to watch Bourne Identity. mEl and Ernie came to join in on the last part and then we continued straight away to watch Bourne Supremacy. Left for TM and watched Bourne Ultimatum! Muhahaha… Twentieth August Two Thousand and Seven shall be known as The Bourne IdenPreMatum Day! XD
On the way to Tampines, I was asking about a few Chinese phrases. I was thinking, if I were to stay here in Singapore, since I’m gonna be a PR here, I might marry a Singapore gal after all! So, we’ll have some kids, right? And most probably he/she gotta learn Chinese, right? And so wouldn’t it be bad if the daddy don’t know a single Chinese word? But then what about Indonesian? I think I’ll teach him/her too. But then surely my wife would want me to learn Chinese, but then to make things equal I had to teach her Indo! Hahaha… Hey, planning for future k. Bottom line: I’ll start learning bits of Chinese. =P
Bourne Supremacy is plain cool. It’s just amazes me of how Bourne can think of all the stuffs that he did… (I know, more like how the writer thinks of the script… but still!!) seriously, go and watch. 9/10 from me. ;)
Read Erika’s blog for details of the happenings of the day.
Oh, Beng joined for the movie. Good to have him along. ;)
Played bridge during the night and it was fun. Sigh… not meant to be. =P
Hmms… Earlier at the bus, HP and I were talking about some stuffs. One of it is about this guy. Hehehe. Afterwards another topic and then I said, “Hey, I’ll bring you to where I brought Erika to eat. Free on Wednesday?”
She answered quite fast, “Yes, I don’t have anything on Wednesday. And I shall keep my Wednesday free for this.”
“Hmmm. But what if someone else more special asked you to go somewhere? Surely you’ll cancel this.” You know who I was referring to. =P
“Hey, I’m not that kind of person ok!”
“Hehehe, okay, let’s see tomorrow.”
“K, we’ll see.” And she has this “let’s bet” kinda’ tone. =P
And then we went to another topic and I was mentioning about Cleo.
Cleeooo!! You’re like invisible nowadays! Hahaha. How are you doing? A lot changed and I heard you’re leading a group by the end of the year, yeah? Hope you get baptized very, very soon! I’ll keep in prayers that your parents’ heart will be open about it. =)
Miss talking to you on the phone about how the guys are doing. Can’t really miss smsing you coz out of the 100 sms I had inside my Sent Messages folder, I think I only got ten sms with your name inside my Inbox. X)
And you’re suppose to tell me about a story, remember? About the thing that you told Pastor? You said “next time”. But when you said it that day, I had a feeling that “next time” is pretty distant. I mean, can barely spend time with you nowadays. I think you’re busy, plus you spare your free time only for him, huh? =P
Nah, you’ll spare some times for your members too, I know. Spare some for your good friend luh! =)
Hey you still owe me fifteen! Hehehehe… Treat me Ayam Penyet luh. Twice. =P
Sigh, I remembered the day we were talking about how close we were, but that we know that it wont be like that forever and things will change. You remember that? Well, little that I know the day it happened will be the day we went to poly. =)
Oh well, we’ll always be best friends, right? =P
Take good care and I’ll just pray for the best for you always. Cya around, God’s girl. ;)
Hehehe, I know she wont be reading this. But oh wells. Don’t you guys, all readers out there, know how many people out there are thinking of you right now? How they are talking about you, whether it’s good or bad, right now as you’re reading this? You don’t know how many people is missing you and lovin’ you or wanting to see you again. You don’t know who kept you close to their heart, even when you disappeared and you thought you left their memory and life and to discover you were wrong. =)
Tuesday 21/08/07
Woke up late and had a feeling that tomorrow Ruben’s gonna invite me for dinner. But tomorrow I’m suppose to go out. So, I was unsure what I was supposed to do. It was funny how strong the feeling was. I was thinking, maybe I should sms him and said, “Hey dude, don’t invite me for dinner tmr k? make it Thursday or smthing.” But you know how thick-skinned it sounds?
So I just double confirmed with HP by means of sms. “So! Tmr! Hehe… anywhere u wanna go after e lunch?”
Beep beep… “Hey, super uber sorry but can we meet earlier tml to hav early lunch? Cause I hav to leave early. Going to watch Secret with my cousins.”
Cousins, was not the ones I thought it would be, those that interrupt our plan. I was a bit disappointed and really thought to myself, man’s plans always fails. Hehehe. But also, everything happens for a reason. “Hmmm… how bout we change it to Thursday?”
She said, “Mmm if Thursday can. I’ll be free”
Right away I was reminded of our conversation yesterday, “U said that you’ll be free tmr… what if you got sudden plans again? =)”
“Hahas that was kinda last min. Well thurs is okay. If not I’ll treat u instead k. Deal?”
Honestly, I was not allured to the deal almost at all. Was just hoping that someone would keep her word, “Haha.. Alrite.. Thursday it is..” =)
Actually it was a mixed feeling, coz besides disappointment, I felt that this might just be a good thing coz tmr I might have another plan coming up – the feeling’s still there.
Went on to watch Jim Carrey on YouTube! Omg, you should REALLY watch them! Here’s the link:
One of my fav is “Jim Carrey - What is love spoof”
And on the third page got “Jim Carrey – Reverend”… uber funny! Christians and Catholics can get the joke better but it’s free for all… Hahaha…
If you got the chance, watch ALL! Hahaha… some are just lame but most are down-right funny. It really made my day.
Left for Bedok to eat my first meal at 6.40pm. Smsed my mom about my new addiction towards minesweeper! I mean, I just can’t help but kept on playing! I asked her what was her high score for expert, since she’s my role model, and she said it was around 147 if her memory serves her right. But I knew she had done better coz somehow it’s printed in my mind that she did a double digit timing for expert – without using flags almost at all!
So now I’m on this journey to beat best her high score. And then se told me that last time during her working times at Jakarta, she was the best in her office and no one can beat her two digit best score! And so I was really inspired and said to her that next time when I start work, I’ll be the best in my office in terms of minesweeper! X)
And I’ll teach my kid how to plat minesweeper from 4 years old. =P
Hey, planning for future k.
Went straight to Expo for a prayer meeting til 10pm. Left to have dinner with Ruben. Finally I got a chance to catch up with u bro! And guess what he said? “Hey, come over for dinner tomorrow.” ;)
My feeling was right after all. Everything happens for a reason. Is it You, God? Telling me all these earlier? Hahaha. All is good. =)
After dinner, we planned what to do tmr:
1. He’s skipping school so I’m meeting him at 10.30am at Bedok to get his MC.
2. While waiting, I’ll read thru his Chem notes on Endo/Exothermic and Nuclear Physics to refresh my memory.
3. Go to some condo that he said has a very nice swimming pool and warm water pool and have some good swimming time.
4. Chill at the condo’s lounge and I’ll teach him on those topics I read earlier.
5. Open my laptop and start studying.
6. Dinner time, go his house and enjoy the wonderful, sexy food the mum cook.
Waaahh… What a life, huh? Ten times better than watching a movie by Jay Chou. X)
And from a date with a girl became a date with a guy. Sad uh... Hahaha. But it ain't that bad. ;)
That reminds me, I gotta sleep. Hahaha!
Good night world! Love ya’ll! =)
Chat Call Sms...
Anw, hope can do more exercises and swimming during this one week break. And chill out and go to the beach and stuff. But like always, most of the time I’ll be spending time with me! =P
But no complaints there. It’s pretty fun in a way that I get to spend time out with myself. Everyone needs an “alone time” kinda’ thing. Well, I’d love a company, but I pity my friends if I asked them out, I like to go to weird places and it might not be convenient. =P
Missed my bass guitar, hope I can get my hands on it pretty soon. Asked Jin Sheng today how is the condition of my bass. He said he polished it everyday and if anything is wrong with it he’ll buy me a new one. Hehehe. Convinced me that my red four string baby is still doing fine.
The weather’s very sweet today. Walked outside with my singlet on and I can feel the coolness of the air around me – reminds me of Bali. During monsoon season, this is exactly how it feels in Bali everyday. Missed home a lot. Hopefully I can go back during the holidays.
Missed my good mates there. Playin’ LAN games for hours and hours and still our pockets not burned (it’s like… 50 Singapore cents/hour there). Stayed at each other’s house and sleep an hour a day. House cooking - the special German cooking at Ferry’s and my favorite meat chop and satay at Hadi’s. PS2 til pass midnight and laze around with my cat and kittens. bought original VCDs at 10 bucks each for collection and watch with my bro and mom. Go to the movies for 4 bucks a ticket.
Miss the babes there too. Miss their hugs n lunch times together. Beaches and mountains, the hot and the cool, winds wherever. Babi guling, grandma’s huge steak, bebek bakar with urapan, sate penyu, sop merah, pastel tutup, humongous ribs at Ubud. Wohooo, I wish u guys knew what am I talking about, those are Bali’s delicacies! =P
Anw… just chillin around today. Nothing much to think about. Oh! Fixed the aircon on my room. Cost me 40bucks. Thank God for aunts that can pay bills for you. =P
Now with all the projects and assignment down, feels like nothing left to do. I mean, me? I wont consider studying as actually doing something. Hehehe. It’s in my blood to disregard the word “studying” as a verb. =P
I don’t know when it started! All I remember was when I was very young, my parents, especially my dad, they loved to test me and guide me thru my studies. I know they meant good, but apparently I found it too stressful and were afraid of exams coz every time exam came, I can expect a good “making sure” that I’ll score well.
Upon realizing that it doesn’t help me, I have to say that my parents went to almost the other extreme, they just allow me to study by myself and just see how good I’ll do. True enough, I improved a lot since I was given the liberty to study on my own.
So it became my style from then onwards! My parents wont nag at me to study or all this stuff, they would just look at my result and comment on how I can get better. Over time, I find myself slacking and slacking and didn’t really maximize my brain usage. Hehehe. But oh well, looks like I’m surviving with studying one-day-before-plus-a-handful-of-prayer method. X)
I always had this funny feeling of wanting to delete my post and not blog at all after I’m done writing. I don’t know why! It’s like, there’s so much to say, yet there’s just some people that I wish would not read what I have to say. Sigh… I’d rather sms or chat… but when I chat I tend to talk about nonsensical things… when I sms, people don’t really reply coz I understand they have their own life… I like talking on the phone, but heck I don’t even have a house phone… lol.
Okay I think I’m going off… bye.
So, let’s recount what happened…
Thursday 09/08/07
Happy National Day Singapore! My grandparents are older than Singapore u know… XD
And I bet most of your parents are too.
Went to the Padang (literally the field in English) and celebrate NDP… I don’t want to elaborate, coz basically it was tiring to queue up for about an hour among so many people and all we did was open close umbrella… =P
Well, our class got creative (Erika started it, I think) and mix around the colors of our goodie bags! It’s was really cool! And I think it made a perfect beach bag. ;)
Anw, left early to leave the two love birds and another guy and a girl behind at the Padang. Coz aunt May invited me for BBQ! Well, on top of the delicious, luscious BBQ, the jamming session was awesome! I seriously missed all the times we used to jam for at least once a week. Finally got a chance to jam with the full band (coz last time, usually Stephen is not there) after months! I felt musically-recharged after that night! =P
Took a couple of videos too. Did it for fun, but something happens that I will talk about more later on… ;)
Friday 10/08/07
Whole day devoted to project submission. It was crazy. Did the finalization of the whole project (and almost half of the whole thing, actually) in… 9 hours? Hehehe.
We thought that the submission time was 5pm. But then I met mr.Chew and he told me that it’s 6pm. But anyway we finished at 7pm. =P
Thank God we saw all the projects still inside of the drop box – that means by 7pm he has not checked the submitted projects yet.
Well, it’s pretty sad because then I missed cell group. It was a BBQ day that day. But oh well, to be in time I will have to take cab which will cost about 12 bucks which is… a lot. Hehehe. So went to bus stop instead. We do not need to ask the two love birds where they wanted to go, for we know that they will go their own way. Suppose to eat with the other lady too, but she decided to leave and meet her mom instead. Well, good for her coz she said finally can refill the fridge at home thanks to the generosity of her mom. =P
So, went with the guy that was too bored to go anywhere but eat. Hehehe… in the end we ate, drank bubble tea, stand in front of a LAN shop fighting fiercely with temptations and just chatted and chatted about literally anything! Including the big bang, evolution, discovery channel stuffs, cats, some youTube video about audio voices (you know what I mean... XD) and stuffs. ;)
Actually the highlight was him expressing his anger upon some individuals, or a group of people to be more precise, for their “blasphemy” =P
It made me promise him not to be one of that group of people anymore. =P
Whoa, I speak like talking in codes! Ok ok, it’s about C185 saying that TB likes (or loves) HP! He’s not happy ok? People? So stop it ok? =P
He said it makes them stress! And he went further to even considering ending their friendship! And stop calling and etc etc! Sounds very serious, but I know he didn’t mean that. =P
Called HP at night, she left her thumb drive at the printing shop at school. She was all moody and sad and just couldn’t stop thinking about it. So I just tried my best to be a good friend and played some songs on the guitar thru the phone. =P
My neck went slanted sideways 90 degrees! XD
Coz I was using both my hand to play (duh) and so I got no hand to hold my phone (duuuh). But thank God for earphones. =P
Saturday 11/08/07
Didn’t feel very well in the morning, but went to school for Pace Setters bonding session anw. Found HP’s thumb drive. I was thinking, if this were Indonesia, it would’ve been gone! But good thing that Singaporeans don’t really get their hands on other people’s stuff! I mean, it was just lying in front of the computer’s monitor!
Met the two gals and just spend the day with them before I left for church. I was very tired and went straight back after the service. But the preaching was powerful, man! Rev.Dr.A.R.Bernard owns… X)
Felt like s*** that night. Not sure why… maybe coz I skipped my dinner and during the bonding session I tire myself too much. Anw…
Sunday 12/08.07
The most fruitful day in months! Thank you Erika! ;)
Went to meet my aunt in the morning to take the laptop. She’ll be needing it only on the 10th of Sep. Thank God!
Went to eat early lunch with her before I left for Tampines. Sat at Mac, playing games while waiting for the self-proclaimed-but-not-so-wrong sweet girl. =P
Did JAVA that day, and who would’ve guessed that u can finish the whole project in just four hours! Can’t do it without Erika and Google. X)
Yes, Google. I typed the error name and went to search for in and found the solution in some website. Lol. Thank God for technology!
Felt so accomplished that day and went a bit high during the night. I mean, who in the right state of mind would come out with the idea of a super uber sweet guy giving his sweetheart a 17th birthday present that will make her cry - an onion ring… XD
Took bus 34, stopped at Tampines stadium and end up walking home because it was too late. The road was creepy and dark and so I smsed someone expecting the person to at least accompany me for a while. But looks like that individual was too preoccupied so I thought to myself, forget it…
Monday 13/08/07
Whole day was just slacking after done with the conversation circle test. But then Ruben called me and told me that we passed the preliminary round for some band competition even though we missed the actual competition day by sending the video of us playing music! Remember the video I took on Thursday? He said the judge said that we got good stuffs goin' on and we can go to the next round! September 25 ladies and gentlemen... ;)
Let’s go to the highlight of the day: SEOUL GARDEN! Wohoooo…. I ate like a PIG! But it was truly satisfaction guaranteed kinda thing. It was Stephen’s birthday and he treat us! So nice of him. And I’m one of the only three person he invited. =)
Oh oh, the ice creams! Woooohhh… I’m drooling even right now. Ate vanilla ice cream with watermelon for the dessert! It was… gaaahh… lost for words… XD
End up can’t finish the birthday cake. =P
Well, that it folks! Don’t want to go into details. If you’re interested, please sign up to be a premium member of my blog. The benefits are unlimited! Such as getting a free hand bag with my autograph on it!
Sigh, I’m bored and just talking crap. Hehehe. See ya world… Do take care. =)
System.out.println(“What’s wrong?”);
while (answer != honest)
.:Lost 4 wordS:.
Being in poly has surely changed my lifestyle a lot. With all the rushing for deadline and those kinda’ stuff, not to mention staying back in school till late at night, now poly really feels like my 2nd home. On top of that, I saw many things about how boys and girls act in a manner quite… distinctly, around me. Or perhaps it is something common that I could not comprehend? Secrecy and openness… attraction and repulsion… doubts and assurance.
A person can be so unsure about his or her own feelings, that they do not know what to do. Being uncertain, most of the time their decision will at least hurt a person, if not, both. Some thinks that he or she wants because of something genuine and real, when truly it is just a yearning. Wine for the day, champagne for the night. Some gives and never receive from the one they gave to, some shares but wants more. Some lost it and quits, some treasures it but it slips away.
Yeap, the hardest language to understand is still our own feelings. Like what I read from somewhere, “I confused my feelings with the truth” – and it can be the other way around. Sometimes I wonder why feelings can be so deceiving. Hey, it’s not all about that “feeling” between boys n girls and all this stuff… what about family? Some of you can say, “What about it?”… heh, well, good for you… but sometimes I still wonder the thoughts behind the decisions they made...
Anw, I’m lost for words… I think I’ll stop here. I'll be happier next time, promise... =)
You'll get what I mean, best... XD
Part 1 : Project Runway with N28!
Samantha?? A certified hair-stylist?? 0.o
Well, at least Eileen looks happy! =P
Let's look at the other contestants...
Pirates!! *shivers* This one OWNS!
Our hottest band in town! XP
Photo taking session with Jul: "Hey, stand straight la, like that not nice..."
"Eh! so tall!?" XD
Winner for most Creative award goes to mr Pirate! Eileen is miss Popular and the overall winner goes to mr Pirate! Congratz! ;)
Part 2 : FBI, 185 and more!
Part 2 and one-quarter: CAUGHT IN ACTION!
lol.. no sense one my captions...
Back to part 2...
Look carefully, the shirt says "Surfers Paradise"... Well, look even more carefully! That thing he's holding is the surfboard!
Not surf water one, surf net only...
"Sir sir! What is your comment on...."
"Talk to the hand."
Someone that's on a shitting position.. plus
Sumone emo sitting down.. equals toEmo kena shit on the head...
Hooligan: "Eh! Don't disturb the VIP! He's sleeping! Go away or else I burn your house today night! Or tomorrow also can la, same difference!" XD
"Hi ladies, lookin' wonderful today."
"Yes we know!" *grins* *smiles* *chuckles*...... Thick.
XDThe Fellowship of the Greentea.
Part 3 : Random pics
Naahh.. actually they're just some girls browsing YouTube and Blogger... btw, you know what's her comment? "Hey! my hair looks cool from above!"
Part 4 : Networking Session... with ourselves!
Wooowww... It's shiny... and greeeeenn....... *gasp* U.F.O.!!
*screams* HEEELLLPPP!!
Ashwin is a HUNK!
Lameness never dies, baby!
Part 5 : Screwed Shoes
Part 6 : Model Photoshoot
To begin the whole of the final topic, we have a special Converse advertisement from one of our hunks from C185...
Nice pose...
Presenting to you, model of the day! BEFORE and...
As a scary-looking-dunno-whether-angry-or-happy-a-bit-tanned-guy! Flip yer cap the other way, mate...
As a dunno-who-but-a-bit-gay-looking-tie-pulling-guy!
As specless-robeless-wandless-muggle-Daniel R.!!
As hunky-but-gundul-which-makes-him-not-that-cool-Wentworth!!
Last but not least, as HASH POTTER himself! Let's give a round of applause for our model!!!
Random surveys!
Your Brain is Blue |
Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow. You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles. Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life. |
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
You Are 46% Feminine, 54% Masculine |
You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides. You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you. You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders. |
You Are Scary |
You even scare scary people sometimes! |
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments |
While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious. |
You Are an Okay Student |
You know how to get by school, but your heart isn't always in it. Motivation is a problem for you. Maybe you need to study something more exciting! |
Your Sensitivity Score: 36% |
In general, you don't let your senses overwhelm you. You're pretty stoic, and you're good at blocking out what's going on around you. However, you are still sensitive enough to enjoy all the beautiful things in the world! |
Your Mind is 45% Cluttered |
Your mind is starting to get cluttered, and as a result, it's a little harder for you to keep focused. Try to let go of your pettiest worries and concerns. The worrying is worse than the actual problems! |
Your Love Type: INFP |
The Idealist In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship. For you, sex doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up. Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive. However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space. Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ |
Your Hidden Talent |
Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people. You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly. People crave your praise and complements. |
Libra - Your Love Profile |
Your positive traits: You are open minded enough to date outside your typical "type" ... successfully! You are diplomatic - and likely to end a fight instead of dragging things out. You are easily loyal and faithful, but only for the right person. Your negative traits: You're a bit gullible, and partners take advantage of you. You still may not know it. You find it difficult to decide where to go to dinner, what movie to watch, who to date... You have to be in a relationship, or else you just don't feel like yourself. Your ideal partner: A smooth talker who enjoys socializing as much as you to. Someone classy and cultured who knows which wine to order with dinner. Is beautiful to you - although not necessarily attractive in the traditional sense. Your dating style: Romantic. If your date comes bearing flowers, wine, and poetry... well, your heart soars. Your seduction style: Giving. Your lover's pleasure is as important as your own. Soft and sensual - you don't like anything to be rough. Extravagant ... your fantasy involves staying at a five star hotel with your love. Tips for the future: Don't be so quick to compromise in relationships - and you'll get taken advantage of yes. Try being single for a while. Seems impossible, but you'll learn so much about yourself from doing so. Make some decisions about your romantic life, right now. You'll be happy that you did. Best color to attract mate: Green Best day for a date: Wednesday |
People Envy Your Ingenuity |
You're a person with unique ideas, big plans, and a zany outlook on life. Many people look to you for inspiration. People envy your creativity and "who cares?" attitude. They feel very ordinary next to you - and they usually are! |
You Are Bold And Brave |
But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon... You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting! |
What Amadeo Means |
A is for Articulate M is for Marvelous A is for Abstract D is for Darling E is for Elitist O is for Outgoing |
You Follow Your Heart |
You're romantic, sentimental, and emotional. You tend to fall in (and out of) love very quickly. Some may call you fickle, but you can't help where your emotions take you. You've definitely broken a few hearts, but you're not a heartbreaker by nature. Your intentions are always good, even if they change with the wind |
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 65% Conservative, 35% Liberal Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Your Pickup Line Is |
Roses are red. Violets are blue. I like spaghetti. Let's go screw. |
Your Pickup Line Is |
The fact that I'm missing my teeth just means there's more room for your tongue |
Your Love Song Is |
Wonderwall by Oasis "I'm sure you've heard it all before But you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels The way I do about you now" You know what you want - but does that person want you? |
You Were Nice This Year! |
You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list. You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year. Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good. Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight? |
Your Love is Based on Commitment |
You believe that love is something that develops and grows. You don't believe in love at first site, and you never mistake lust for love. For you, love is about mutual devotion, respect, and understanding. You don't feel comfortable in a relationship, unless you're both in it for the long run. Why your love can last: You don't take commitment lightly - or leave relationships easily Why your love can fail: You're so committed, you often can't see the most obvious problems in your relationship |
You Are 57% Open |
You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy. You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends... But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life. |
You Are Italian Food |
Comforting yet overwhelming. People love you, but sometimes you're just too much. |
You Are a Auditory Learner |
You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well. You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music. You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star! |
You Are a Little Messy |
You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob. You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done. Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes. You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule! |
Your Love Element Is Metal |
In love, you inspire and respect your partner. For you, love is all about fusing together for one incredible life experience. You attract others with wit and a bit of flash. Your flirting style is defined by making others want and value you. Greatness and optimism are the cornerstones of your love life. You may let go too easily, but you never get weighed down by your past. You connect best with: Earth Avoid: Fire You and another Metal element: will control and smother each other |
You Are 83% Sexy | ||
Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts!
After all these, I realize that these test are for girls! XD