Good Bye. =)
Shawn – Will really miss the times we had traveling only by the two of us! Lol. Hope you’ll find someone to go with to Riverwalk! Get enough rest and take good care of urself. Oh, and don’t force yourself to go to the gym, eat more first. Grow fat and then u can go. =P
“Serious alr? Really meh? But, I thot…”
Ruben – Yo my man, will really really miss the rockin’ times we always had. And will really miss talking to u. Your crappiness and your jokes always makes me smile though I’m in my worse mood. Hahaha. I’ll bring those friendship bands you wanted! Thirty of them! Take care and stay fashionable! ;)
“Trust the Singaporean.”
Clive – You’re the best drums whacker I’ve known though you’re very picky with songs. Hahaha. But it’s ok! I’ll miss jamming with you til you bruise your hands. And your stupid questions with no answers to it, thank God you’ve cut down on it. =P
Take care and stay cool.
“Nah, don’t worry, the pro is here.”
Cliff – Hey little bro, I’ll really miss you. You always make me feel like a big bro around you and you’re always very helpful! I don’t know anybody else at your age, or even older, that has the same soft and kind heart as yours. =)
Take care and love you!
“Can I help? Pleaasseee??”
Joalin – Hey girl! What’s up? Havn’t been talking to u lately. Hahaha. But I’ll miss the dinners we used to have. And your powerful words that kept on encouraging me and making me move on. Hahaha.
Thank you and I’ll see you again. Let me know which JC u went into! Oh, and I’ll choose a good Roxy pencil case 4 u. Don’t worry, u can trust my taste. ;)
“Of course! Joalin leh.”
Wyelin – Hey fellow blogger, you may be the only one reading this at blogspot. Xp
Tell the rest of the people to read if they want to ok! People are usually happy to find their names in someone else’s blog when they say good things. =P
Will miss reading ur blog and chatting with u at night. Lol. Though it consists of mainly singular words, maybe a double sometimes. =P
Take care and learn you guitar well! =)
Hui Wah – Wah jie! Hehehe. Will miss chatting with u thru sms. Especially when the way we sms is very special. Let’s say I sent a sms at 10, I’ll receive my reply at 10.20. And I’ll take my sweet time to reply and sent it at 10.40. Hahaha, it’s those big gaps that makes it “cool”. =P
Have to hang out again after I return from Bali k! It’s too bad I have to move, though. So we wont be living near to each other anymore. Oh well.
“Don’t call me jie! I’m not that old ok.”
Jin Sheng – my awesome bro! Happy birthday! Hahaha. As I say, man of God doesn’t grow old, only grows wiser. =)
Be blessed in everything you do, man. Will miss u a lot!
“That’s the way, man.”
Phoebe – Hey, you better take good care, you don’t look very healthy u know? I’m serious. You’ve become very bony. I don’t know what’s wrong, but, really take care. Eat properly and sleep early, and don’t stress over your studies, you’ll do well. =)
“Blah blah blah” Xp
Allz – Hey, I’m not sure if you’ll be reading this blog, but, take good care of urself ok. Bring jacket with you everywhere u go, u can always take it out if it’s too hot. Rather than being frozen to death and fell sick. Will really miss chatting with you about anything and everything. If there was a sound of an MSN msg on my comp, I always hoped it was from you. With others I still can call or sms, but with you it’s only thru MSN or mail.
Adios amigo! Te amo. ;)
“Amigos Por Siempre.”
Elina – Same goes to you! It’s friggin’ hard to get the same timing of us online. Hahaha. Well, hope to see u soon k! Someday when ur back in Bali, hopefully I’ll be able to be there too. Will miss chatting about random stuffs and anything and everything with you! Rock on girl! And stay sexy! ;)
Bertrand – Will miss our gym sessions man! With Salihin too. Hope he recovers soon. Anw, be patient for the book Elder ok! Will lend you once I return from Bali. Thank you for being my personal instructor and don’t be surprised if you see my muscles turning into fats again after one month of pampered life, ok? XD
Take care man.
“Go home marinate chicken… shiok.”
Carin – Hey my emo friend. Hehehehe, joking… maybe I should call you the messed-up-name friend. Got cowshit laa, cowass la, donno wad else la. Demoralize yourself only. Hahaha. Take care sis! Jia you for your JC life ok! Hope to see someday, somehow. And will miss chatting with you about random stuffs. Lol. Enjoy the class BBQ and sent my regards to our classmate! Tell them I love them and I know they love me too! Xp
Hakim, Faris, Haziq, Zaf and Abi – My “Malay Gang”! Hahahaha. I was really hoping I can see you guys at the class BBQ! But, oh well… I saw Abi the most! Hahaha. Saw her at the bus a few times. And I saw Zaf once at the KFC. Afterwards I saw u guys only at school when we took our results, but didn’t get to talk much. Awww, wish can spend more time with u guys.
Anw, take care ok! Keep in touch!
“I know I’m hensem.”
“Iiihh…” *shrugs*
Selera uncle and aunty – Hahahaha, there’s NO CHANCE that they’ll read this! But for your info, Selera is the food stall at Bedok hawker centre where I always eat. They always gave me a whole load of food and extra rice and sauce! Hahaha. I’m their daily customer. Oh well, I’ll really miss them and the food they sell even though the food back home on Bali will be a lot nicer. =P
“Lai! Yao chi she mo?”
Aunt may – Will miss talking to u!
Uncle Randy – Will miss jamming oldies with u! =P
Kakak – Will miss u a lot! =)
Aunt Karen – Will really miss your cooking! The only one so far comparable to Bali’s cooking! =)
Elisa – Will see you soon la! Enjoy JC! =P
Piao – Stay sexy baby! Hope to see u! ;)
XY – keep rockin’ sis! Rock on with those art. ;)
Brandon – Don’t play too much k! Take care bro!
Wayne – You’re so cute! =P
Kendrick – is that how you spell your name? Lol! Slim down k! Xp
Fishball – you too, slim down. This one I’m serious.
Jul – Will miss u pretty Jullette!
Sam – Don’t worry, I wont forget you, pretty Samantha! =P
Eileen – Will miss your hugs! *hugs*
Bruce – Will miss your lameness big time, bro!
Last but definitely not least,
E391 – Thank you.
Yesterday morning aunt May woke me up with a call and she told me that my landlord wants me out. Yep. They kicked me out. They want me to move out by the end of April after my return from Indo.
In the afternoon I finished Eragon. It’s splendid. Went to Tampinese to meet Wyelin for a dinner and Burger King and passed her my guitar. We also chatted for about two hours about random stuffs, but it was a good time spent. =)
Got to know her better too.
Well, I went home and saw my PS2 console on my bed. The friggin’ penguins removed it and put it there. I was very offended coz it shows me just how much they want me out. And I have a deep suspicion that they were the culprits behind the internet connection problem. Who knows they installed some virus or simply cut the connection away so that I’ll suffer? Grrrr… now you know how agitated I am… bah… hell with it.
so I got really mad and sleep through my frustration at 10pm! Can you believe it? I slept at ten!
Anw, woke up early and met Bertrand and Salihin at the gym. Went for lunch myself and walked home and got ready for the performance at the mental home. Met Clive near my house and pick up Ruben outside school. It was a blast! Hahaha, I personally enjoyed the time there! Though it was more "dry" compared to last year, I find ourselves improve a lot. =)
Well, It was a long day and I'm kind of tired to recount all of it.
I wrote this when I was at a LAN shop at Katong Mall! I played audition til 11.30 and took bus 14 home. And guess what, my internet works again! Yay! I’m sooo happy.
Tmr will be a long day. I have to do last minute shopping for my mom and my friends in Bali. Will write a blog before I leave to Bali, I promise. =)
Dreams and memories.
So, I woke up at 9, met Shawn and went to gym, ate lunch with him and got home. I was about to take a nap when suddenly Wyelin called me. When she heard my sleepy tone, she just laughed and asked me whether I just woke up or what. Lol, didn’t have time to properly explain my morning but after a while she just mentioned, “I’m free now.” And I thought to myself for a few seconds, what does she mean by that? And it struck me that we have always wanted a guitar lesson session but it hasn’t came to pass for months! Hahaha.
So I went to met her and gave her some basic lesson. She learned fast! I was impressed. Maybe it’s because the will to learn and the interest. If she were one of those kind of people that wanted to learn casually and stuff, I don’t think she’ll catch everything that fast. Yeap, and I’ll be trusting my guitar in her hands! Hahaha, I was thinking before I left my house that day, why on Earth would I just leave my guitar to rot for one whole month? Might as well put it in the hands of someone who needs it and who I can trust! Hahaha. I’ll be passing my bass to Jin Sheng also. =)
After svc I went to eat with the Indo, 5 of them, 6 including me! We ate a very “luxurious” food at East Coast Lagoon! Omg, I was the BEST! The food was excellent and each of us only needs to pay 13 buckz! And we had a great time joking around and laughing our night away… we ate for an hour and chat for TWO hours! I’m not joking… and we also share some ghost stories… It was really freaky coz the stories are about our OWN experiences, so it was very real. ;)
Went to Imanuel’s house with them, and stayed over there for the night. Reach home slightly before mid night and played Ragnarok Online Private Server til 7am. Yep, seven in the morning. I was the last to sleep coz everyone gave up and went to bed long before me. Hahaha. Woke up at 1pm, ate, played for an hour and sleep again. Woke up at 6pm today! Rushed home and got changed, reach Cleo’s at 7.15pm and had our practice for the performance at the mental home. =)
It was great! We’re gonna play Sweet Child O Mine! Hahaha. Went to Mandarin Gardens and here I am! Writing this entry. =)
I just want to throw the night away with ease. U know, chill, relax, cool my mind. It has been strenuous these past few days. Was really… struggling…
But now I just want to have a blissful moment for myself. =)
Not to mention that my grandma forwarded and sms that she received from her husband (ya la, my grandpa. Xp) that says that he had a terrible dream. He said he saw Bless, my lil bro, died. Or, he said, it could be me also. He said don’t be reluctant to change the ticket date if we want to coz maybe he’s afraid that I’ll get into a plane accident.
Well, that kind of sms would definitely disturb me! But my grandma sent that so that I’m aware and keep praying for safety. Yeap, couldn’t just ignore those kind of sms ok. So I prayed and God gave me peace, so, no worries. =)
It’s a beautiful night tonight. I can see Orion’s Belt (the three stars that are aligned next to each other) for the first time again in a long time! And the brightness of the moon, in a shape of a dragon’s eye, reminds me of the book Eragon. Yep, if you didn’t know, I have a deep and special liking for dragons. They have been my favorite mystical creatures. =)
I miss some people and the time we used to have. Funny how we say that we’ll cherish and remember the times we shared, with whoever, when what happen is that we got drowned in our own memory and began our wishful thinking of the old times. Wanting it back, and hurting our conscience to be confronted by the truth that it was lost and it has passed. Things had changed and we can’t get them back. That was all that was left of it – memories.
Hey, just remembered that just now Wei Hao from Catherine's CG called me and asked me if I want to consider joining children's church band - they need a bassist! I told him that I’ll be going back Indo til April! So I may be available by then only. So he said, ok, pray about it and let him know once I’m back in Singapore. After ten minutes or so, before I even prayed about it, something in me just tugged and said, no, I don’t want to distract myself from my own band. I love my band, and though this will give me opportunity to go deeper in music ministry, I don’t think I want it.
Anw, I had nothing to do so I drew my friend's picture as I promised her.

Nice? =)
Used a 4B pencil for two hours. It’s my first serious portrait drawing, coz as u guys should know, my art is a very different kind of art. I struggle when I draw people! But looks like this is a challenge overcame by me. =)
Woke up early to meet Bertrand and Salihin at 9.15am at the gym. It was a fruitful work out coz I can feel the muscle stretch. Hehehe. But was really wondering if I overdid it coz it was more like a pain than a stretch. Anw. Went to Bedok to eat, went Mandarin Gardens and chill around while reading my Eragon. Took an hour nap and Bertrand met me there. We chill around for about 30 mins before hitting for the swimming pool. We tan and we swam. After swimming 6 laps my muscles felt better. As if it wasn't tangled up like it was after gym. I think his body pigments can’t make it lar, when I was like twice as dark, he just became slightly darker… hahaha. But we looked better after the tan.
Went back to the apartment and took turns to bathe. Afterwards we watched Blood Diamond. He brought with him 3 pirated DVDs and I chose that one for the day. It was a drama. A bloody and sad one. No wonder M18. afterwards it was 6pm already, so he decided to go home. I stayed there longer til I finished the songsheet for CG. Made a simple one.
Went to meet Ishak and Menny at 10pm plus for my dinner near Tanah Merah. Had some good food and went to his house. Just chill around there, read my Eragon, drink, talk. And afterwards around 1am plus he’s hungry so we went to the coffee shop downstairs near his house. He ate there and I just chill like ah beng, my legs up on another chair, fold my jeans, wore a singlet and my face arrogant. Lol. Ishak said, just buy a bottle of beer and put in front of u, hold a cigarette, no need to light it up, just hold it, people will be scared already. Lol.
Went home at 2am. Walked to Tanah Merah with Ishak before I took a cab. Shared with him some stuffs and I was blessed by his words of wisdom. Thank u Ishak. =)
Reach home, head spinning, fell asleep.
Woke up at around 10am, refreshed. Saw Allegra online and chat our hearts out. Lol. We can really talk well and she shared with me how she felt that her life sux. Wow, what a coincidence, I felt the same… hahaha. So we just shared our views on things and stuff. It was great. She taught me Spanish too! Te amo! Means I love you… amigos por siempre! Means friends forever… =)
I was happy I can chat with her. And I made a promise that I’ll draw something for her. She needs to go after an hour plus of chatting, it was night already at that time at her place. So I was leaving for Bedok when I saw Elina online. Hahaha, all my U.S. friends online at noon, Singapore’s time. Well, was catching up with her a lil while before I really need to go coz my stomach is GROWLING… rraarrrrr…….
So I went to Bedok and took off to Mandarin Gardens. Bought some food for my aunty’s dinner. Just chill around there the whole day, reading my Eragon. It’s a great book! Five stars! Buy it if u can. =)
Spent two hours plus designing something for Allegra. I edited our photos and make it as if we took picture together. Hahahha… but in reality I have not even met her. So, yeah. I sent this to her. I hope she likes it!

Chill til 11 and went home. Bus fare is killing me. Stupid government, it’s not our fault that school starts on April. But still have to make us pay adult fare til school starts then we can buy concession. Arrghh…
Past week:
I’m blessed this week. On the CNY service, by faith I gave 100 dollars of my 150 for my building fund. Having no idea how to survive 15 days with 50 bucks. But I have peace inside so I went with it. The last day of my suffering was after I ate at TCC with Hui Wah she blessed me, and the next day I went to watch with Ishak, thank God he blessed me too. The next morning woke up coz Elisa called, she said we can meet at 1pm for Ghost Rider. I said ok and lets eat cheap food coz I only got 15 buckz left. After I hung up, my grandma called and she gave me 120. did I mention this? Yes I did didn’t I? Lol. Anw. Yesterday she sent me another 100 and plus the two ang baos I receive, a total of 260 dollars blessing over the week. =)
God is good.
Going to gym with Shawn, and then chill around and will go for my last svc before I went back to Indo for a month. Not planning to tell anyone when I’ll be leaving. Probably I’ll lie and just took off one day on March. =)
Not sure if there’s anything I’ll miss in Singapore. I’ve been feeling cold lately here, if u know what I mean. Don’t know when I’ll get the warmth back – or ever will I?
Will be eating dinner myself at Bedok after svc and then will be going home to sleep. Yep, that's tomorrow. So I don't need to write blog tmr. I've planned it all out. =)
They told me...
Don’t choose five stones over one gold.
Don’t sacrifice your true friendship to please a crowd of people.
Don’t choose water over wine.
Don’t judge someone based on what you see, have you truly tried to understand them?
Don’t be contented.
Just because the wind blows, it doesn’t mean that it’ll always blow the same direction.
Just because what you did was successful, it doesn’t mean it’ll work the next time you do it.
Just because you can swim, it doesn’t mean you can’t drown.
Just because you’ve achieved something, it doesn’t mean that you can’t lose it.
Don’t be ignorant.
Just because the compass points home, that doesn’t mean there won’t be mountains and valleys in front of you.
The answers you get will not always be the answers you wanted.
Big stones are easily avoided, but it’s the pebbles that caused one to stumble.
Big problems will be resolved, but ignoring the small ones will cause you to fall.
Can’t go on, the list goes on.
“Don’t be proud, don’t give up. Don’t stop here, let’s move on. Don’t listen to them, you know your heart. Don’t worry, be happy. Don’t shut down, open up. Don’t to that, it’s not right. Don’t do this, not my wish.”
That’s what they told me. Now I’ve nothing to give, I’ve nothing to get – just to let go.
Enigmatical Saga.
When we first began, it was Ruben, Clive and I that started to jam some songs. I remembered that the three songs: Warning and Holiday by Greenday and Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet were the first three songs we ever played together! It was a lot of fun! And Ruben came up with a name for our band – Enigmatical. Came from the word Enigma which means mystery and add up the "-tical" just to make it sounds cool. =P
Well, one day Ruben and I wanted to join our school’s talent-time. We needed a drummer coz Clive was P6 at that time and an extra guitarist to make it better. We found David, my classmate as the drummer and Salihin, Cleo’s classmate as the rhythm guitarist. We played Are You Gonna Be My Girl and it was quite okay. But we didn’t win although the judge’s comments were pretty positive. They gave the prizes to solo cover singers. Lol. Yay unto them.
The next big gig was when Dolly (Cleo’s x-classmate – she went back to Indo after retaining in sec 3… again…) planned on making a performance for some Indonesian thingy. I forgot what it was. All I remembered was the first Indonesian Idol will be there and it’s quite a big thing! So, we made a bigger band this time: Dolly lead vocals, Wen Wen backup vocals, Ruben and Clive on the guitar, Cleo on the keyboard, Imanuel on the drums and my self with the bass. Did I miss anyone? Anw, we decided to sing One Way by Hillsong (yea man, spread the gospel) and one Indo song… aiya, forgot the title la… and… Addicted by Simple Plan, which turns out to be horrible! And to spice things up, we call our band AHA! What does it stands for? Go Aha! Go Aha! Aha aha ahaaa!! Woooo!! XD
It was none other than one of Dolly’s mad ideas. She IS kinda loony u know? =P
Tobie, Dolly,Cleo, Imanuel, Ruben, Wen Wen, puny Clive.
This was one of the picture of that day. I painted the red “uniform” using a black ink everyone’s name. Lol, turns out to be a killer. Coz Ruben and Clive were sweating on stage and they instinctively wipe their faces using their shoulder in which their name was written on. It was NOT a permanent ink, so u know what happened… XD
Anw, Raymond was one of the judges… YES! CHC’s guitarist bro… I mean, Raymond! Well, we just rock the day, but guess what, the sound system sux and our sound prep was only given 2 mins. IT’S NOT FRIGGIN ENOUGH! As a result, it was horrible, the sound, everything. But we were ignorant and we were blissful. We just show them how much energy we have and we jump here jump there. Lol.
We waited for very, very long before result came out. We didn’t win anything, but we had fun and definitely experience a lot of exposure. So we throw the evening away by playing in this giant balloon castle… it’s not a balloon la, it’s like rubber castle with air in it. So we played like mad and jump around like frogs and fell on each other like rain and it was just fun to let go ourselves after the “defeat”. Whoa man, but it’s confirmed that we didn’t have any chance u know! I mean, phew, the other players were awesome. The winners were like an acoustic group that played instrumental! But it was just beautiful. They played so well and the sound they made were so clean.
Alright! Let’s go on with the band’s journey! Along the way, we got called for small gigs by Cleo’s father to play for his friend’s company small party or just to jam some new songs. But the next one that I will never forget was, The Rock Concert! It was pastor CK’s idea, to make an outreach with the rock band as the main event! That was the most rocking experience we ever had! Why? Because that was the first time we played around 8 different songs on a single event! Okay, let me recall: God’s Romance by Delirious, Better Man by Robbie Williams, All Around The World by Oasis, Salvation Is Here and Glorious Redeemer by Hillsong, We Will Shine by GMB, Warning and Holiday by Greenday.
Ok, talk about the preparation and practice, it was really a point where our band went to the next level! This time was Ruben, Me, Clive, Bruce, Cleo, Jerrick, Rebecca and Stephen. Bruce played the slow songs on the drums coz at that time Clive was not very good with slow songs – he’s a drum whacker. =P
There was a slight problem with another band also, but I wont talk about it. It’s over so no need to big the past, yes? =)
Catherine (AKA Sister Catherine) was the one looking after the band the whole time we practiced at Cleo’s. She really trained us very, very well! She told us all that she knew about music and how to slow down and built climax at the right time and at the right parts of the songs. How to be manageable and humble. And how to put our focus on the right track. She told us how we should really pray every time before we practice, let God intervene and give us the flow and unity we needed. I believe that is why we are so united right now, that phase of our band’s journey was really the turning point that led us deeper into this whole band thing. Glorify God, yet being contemporary.
Rebecca, Stephen, Jerrick, Ruben, Pst.Chee Kiang, Bruce, Tobie.
Stephen rock with his guitar solos! Ruben is the main man as always, the outstanding one! Cleo and Clive were not here in the pic coz they had to go early. But Clive rocks with his beat and he was only P6 at that time! Cleo’s voice mesmerizes the people. Rebecca’s keyboard is all we need to perfect the sound of the band. Jerrick and his beautiful voice brought our band to the next level. Bruce looks very cute and we just love him. Me? I was just someone within the shadows, and my silhouette creates the sound of that melodious beat that leads the whole song in its own mysterious way. XD
U know, let me side track a bit and share with you what my friend, Carl, a real musician, shared with me when I was back in Bali on Dec 2006. A band (consisting of the basic five) is likened to a house. Drums are the foundation and Bass are the skeleton of the house and the roof. Guitars are likened to the bricks and Keyboards are the cement that makes the bricks looks smoother and made the house stronger. And Vocals are the paint of the house, the one that covers and creates the beauty.
Why is that so? Drums and Bass can play by themselves. Though it is incomplete, it will create an awesome melody! If you don’t believe me, go find some bass instrumental songs. You’ll be shocked. Guitars are next on the list, why? Coz there are so many 3-piece band and they rock like hell. Greenday for example? Keyboards are not necessary but it can “smoothen” the whole sound of the music. It’s better to have them around and will make the band stronger in sound. And Vocals are like paint that gave colors to the music – emotions, feelings, messages and morale.
So, afterwards I went back to Indonesia, the band got a performance for our Zone’s thanksgiving 2005. Ruben took the bass. They say it was not as good but that proves that they can make it without me. I was happy coz the last thing I wanted is for my band not to be able to progress just coz lack of members. They had fun I believe, while I spent my time with my dear family. =)
The three of us got exposed to more songs, and as the year 2006 is ending, we were hoping for another Rock Concert – though traces of it gave us a spark of hope, it didn’t happen. We only heard news that there will be another thanksgiving outreach soon. So I went back to Bali for only 2 weeks plus on Nov - Dec 2006 coz I want to be there for my band. But guess what, 3 days before my date to go back to Singapore, they planned on resuming on the outreach without me. Coz there was no time and Christmas is coming soon…
This was not what the band wanted, I know. They explained it to me. This was the decision made from “on high”. I mean the Zone la, that initially wanted this performance. But really, this thing really hurt me at that time. I purposefully planned just a short trip to Bali so that I can be back, on time for the performance. No matter how much more time I wanna spend with my family and friends over there. But, look at what happened. I was really upset for I think, a month plus, with the band, but I didn’t say anything. Some said things that didn’t made me feel better, while some like Cleo tried to assure me that I didn’t miss anything big, coz they played only like 3 songs and that time the drama was the main thing. I didn’t care.
Well, now I got over it and put that matter behind. Call me childish for acting like that, but I hope you can understand how I feel at that time. Not long after my return, as we enter to 2007, more things cropped up. No longer can we play as often at Cleo’s. Only once every fortnight. I wont go into details, but that’s a big problem, coz that means we can’t play and practice as often anymore and it may not be healthy for the band unity. But the reason as to why we can’t, were pretty convincing and so we accepted it.
I refused to stop where I was, and so I asked my aunt to put me in a bass tuition class for two months, once a week class to increase my skills. True enough I’m so much better now in theory and skills. I thank God and my aunt for giving me that opportunity to upgrade myself. I’m pretty much content with where I am now. I can be more sensitive to music and I can figure out songs much faster and more accurately. But I wont stop here. I’ll learn more.
Right now, I feel that our band is really in amidst of a crossroad, and we have to decide on one direction together, or else…
Well, one of the problem I see, that Clive and Ruben might not see, is our choice of music. I want some new songs but the two of them don’t seem to care less. Clive want songs but it’s all kinda old to us, he gave me the feeling that he’s very content with the songs we can play and not willing to move on. Ruben want other songs and we have no idea what it is. But since he’s the singer, he somehow led this band and we just… agrees…
This thing has a good side on it coz it “forces” me to improve my singing. I have NO confidence when it comes to singing on the mic before. And I always went out of tune! But I practiced and I’m better now. why do I want to sing? So that I’m not limited with what Ruben can sing. The more people that can do things, the better.
Definitely, all of us got better and focuses more on our own parts. I mean, Clive improved a lot and he can play beats he used to be unable to. Many more. But I pray that this problem will be resolved somehow. Maybe I will need to let them know how I feel about the current situation. Or maybe shutting up is best sometimes and let them realize it themselves. =P
Now I can see the challenge in keeping the unity of a band. Now I understand why great bands always disband. Lol. Not always disbanded, but a lot of the players left. Mr. Big, Guns ‘n’ roses. It’s not easy to make individuals to live the same dream and direction. It’s not easy for them to learn how to understand each other and resolve a problem. To accept their own place and not wanting more spotlight, or in other words, it’s not easy to fight our selfishness and to always think for the good of the band.
People out there just casually say, let’s make a band! Out of the discovery of their talent in music. They recruit whoever they know, as long as they got a band. But not knowing the importance of the same heart and the bond that has to be formed way beyond the band to the daily lives.
That’s why I thanked God that my band are of the same church and the same heart. The way this band is formed is really though personal discoveries and revelations. You can ask Ruben and Clive how amazingly they experienced the forming of this band. Crossroads like these are inevitable, but I have not a worry that our band will get into a conflict or anything. Coz all of us are close friends, not just as a band, but as an individual on our daily lives.
Jamming fun.
Anw, afterwards we jam the whole day til dinner time. Jammed with uncle Randy too. It was very fun. But afterwards, my head aches very bad but I didn’t say only. Lol. Thank God it went away after half an hour or so…
Me, Stephen, Joalin and Cleo went to eat at Bedok and we went to watch Just Follow Law at Princess. Joalin bought the ticket for me and she refuses me to pay back. Thank you Joalin! =)
It was a funny show la. overall not bad. The main morale is: “we can break the law, just at the right time.” There’s more to it but that’s the basic thing. Sigh, anyway…
Been having some thoughts lately…
“Why don’t I open up myself to people? Like, u know… lets say once I found someone I can talk to really well and just shared everything to, and why do I stop all of a sudden? Or maybe, I have a friend that I know I can trust, but I just refuse to open up myself. Heh… I found out that maybe it’s my fear. That’s what makes me reluctant to share.”
“Well, I’ve always told myself that it’s not necessary to share. But the people all around me tells me otherwise! And upon hearing it, another distrust came to me – are they just being curious or do they really want the best for me?”
“Heh… funny how my life has shaped me. No wonder true friends are hard to find nowadays. I’ve always believed that trust is the bond that keeps a friendship going, and I still do. But it has become very… bland… very much… absent.”
“Why is it hard to trust? Am I afraid of being hurt? Being disappointed? Or am I afraid that I can hurt? And I’ll disappoint?”
“I think it has come to a point where whatever people say will not encourage or help me. Because I’ve chosen to shut myself, it has become words and only words.”
“Or maybe I can change? Maybe I can have my child-like faith again? Yet, not being naive but wise. Pure as a dove, sly as a snake.”
"All I knew was that, it was actually my own decision all along... whether to open up or not - but why is it so hard?"
I’m gonna shower and maybe I’ll continue reading Eragon. It’s a nice book. =)
“I wanna talk to you… I wanna be honest… but…”
“… forget it… I’ll keep it…”
Praise God coz today my grandma sent me 120 dollars. At first I thot it was 100. coz she sent it to my Indo account so I didn’t know the exact amount.
Met Elisa and Jason at Grand Cathay and we ate Billy Bombers. It was awesome but my meal cost a total of 25 buckz. Lol. Watched Ghost Rider, it was cool. Love the effects! Yesterday me and Ishak went to watch Protégé. It was awesome! Andy Lau so cool sia… I love him since I was young. XD
Tickets was 9 buckz and then we went to plaza sing Times bookshop and I bought a set of Eragon and its sequel Elder for 30 buckz… it a good deal, but apparently depleted my pocket severely… lol.
Got home using 14 and that’s when I got my headache. Went to a malay restaurant near my house to buy a packet of rice… my head hurts but instead of faster buy, I just stand there and wait for this customer to finish which I’m not sure whether it’s a he or she… I’ll call it “it”. XD
When actually I just can like, interrupt for a moment and say, “hi, sorry, can I buy a packet of rice please?” right???? It’s a friggin less than a minute serving time anw! Oh man, but that time I was just holding on not to fall… lol…
Reach home and threw myself to my bed… just woke up and planning to cook now. Btw! I’m chatting with Carin as I’m writing this! CARIN! YOU’RE IMPORTANT TO ME OK! You've always been the one saying "happy birthday" so many times during my b'day and "congratz" lots n lots of time also when I did well and it just made my day! There's many more and I'm letting u know that YOU’RE NOT INSIGNIFICANT! =))

Sweet dreams.

Umm... what's my name again?


But I find that red is pretty attractive, don’t you? I like red. My bass is red in color. Girls in red are hot. Roses are red they’re my fav flowers. I love steaks and they are red before they’re cooked. And definitely I love ang baos. “ang” means “red”, correct? =P
Many more.
Red is also used to define and depicts other things such as emotions, moods and passion. Red can also means strength and power, or determination and ambition, for it blazes like a fiery red flame that burns everything in it’s path.
It also means danger. Sometimes used to draw the evil and burning condition of hell. Mixed with black, it becomes the perfect description of tormenting darkness. Red is the color of our blood, the color of our sacrifices and our hurts.
But our hearts are drawn red, and it becomes the color of love and passion. In Chinese culture, I believe it’s the color of prosperity.
Red is a powerful color, though it attracts, its strength and its power to give and to take are even stronger, that it is used to color “STOP”.
Green gave me the feeling of calm and peace, that it made me want to just stop and enjoy life and the nature around me. Green are associated with peace, nature, tranquility, health, money and more money. =)
In the morning, if you have the time, just like me when I’m doing my morning quiet time, I would look and gaze at the beauty of the nature outside my window. Well, there’s a lot of buildings in Singapore, but there’s also a lot of majestic trees. See things positively! =)
It relaxes my eyes and made things felt so fresh!
Some people dread green, coz it reminds them of veggy. X)
So, although green is such a relaxing natural color, it is used to color “GO” because of the feeling of security it provides. Because people want to feel save, they need a comforting color to let them know that they can walk with no fear. Your heart pumps when you walk towards something glowing in red, because there’s so much mystery. What will you find? Danger? Passion? Love? Anger? Yet, when you walk towards something glowing in green, you’re rest assured that everything is well.
Or maybe not! It can all means nothing! It all can be lie! It all can be some kind of propaganda to make us fear and believe at certain things in this world! Hehehe… whatever it is… you decide what you want to believe… whether it’s right or wrong, you’ll never know til the day you decided that you want to find out. This explains why people acted in a way that doesn’t seem wrong to them, when the whole world (except for a couple of other partners-in-stupidity) is actually against them. Or why someone can feel not loved when actually people around them loves and cares for them so much! Because two different person can see the same exact thing, but think in a totally different way. They can listen to the exact same information, but receives it in a totally different manner – who’s right and who’s wrong? No one knows. No one can judge.
Only One can. And you’re not Him. =)
So don’t even try – save your time do to something better. There’s so much more in life.
Words n response.
It happens many times, to everybody! Information is passed on all the time! But does it ever occur to you how your say can be so much widespread? When we talk, we are not fully aware of the fact that the information we’re giving will be used by that particular person we’re speaking to, when he/she had a conversation about the same topic with other ppl. Well, of course not all of our words! But this should be something to warn all of us why we shouldn’t be sloppy with our words.
Now, before I continue, I’m NOT talking about anyone in particular! I’m writing about what just popped out in my head. So if you feel guilty, please read on and maybe you can find the remedy somewhere… no promises though. =P
Anw. To make it more clear, I’ll give u an example of my conversation earlier on today.
I was talking to my friend and she didn’t really know about the condition in Indonesia. How bad the corruption is. So I told her the story that my mom shared to me about this guy that shared with her that he has to PAY CASH to actually get into a police force in Bali. No need loyalty n passion, no need training, no need oath or whatsoever, pay money can get uniform, badge and a rank already. The more you pay the higher rank you’ll get la!
Now, lets say the person that talked to my mom lied. What would happen? My mom will one way or another, told a lie! Even if she doesn’t know it. Am I right? Then, what happened? I would be telling a lie also and my friend that I talked to would be telling lies to the next person she talked to about this! Hahaha… it’s a vicious cycle and the worse thing is, we don’t even know it! XD
That’s why actually we don’t even realize how MUCH grace we need. For all the lies we tell without even knowing that it’s a lie. ;)
God is so good.
But I know my mom would always carefully pick what she told me. She wont give me any information anybody gives like that. Only if she finds it trustworthy, she’ll tell me. But it may be exaggerated? Some of the details, maybe like the amount to be paid in the story can be magnified? Digits are easily distorted in a story as it goes by. By nature we just love telling stories with bigger numbers in it. =)
“He’s a million miles away!” (well, anything on earth can’t be more than 12.600 km apart)
“He gave me tons of bread!” (even if he had a bread factory, that’s pretty a lot u know…)
“Billions and billions of dollars!” (wow… I don’t mind having those)
“It’s been ages!” (it’s not even an AMOUNT for crying out loud)
Anything can happen along the way as a story is told.
Hahaha, I don’t want you guys to be judgmental after reading this, about the stories you heard or read, you can decide for yourself which one to receive and which one is better off not heard at all. but I’m just writing this to make all of us realize that, our words DO carry power. Lol, actually all of us that has a Bible no need to look so far. It’s written already that the words that we speak frames our world (Heb 11:3) and so many more that talks about the power of our words. But this is just a small example I’m providing u guys to think about. And maybe all of us can be more careful with our words, yea? =)
This leads me to the second thing I wanna share, about response. We live in a time whereby people want answers to be given right away. Now now now. Which sometimes caused a person to answer in a very shallow, imprecise way, because he/she was not given the time to really think about what he’s going to answer. Well, I don’t really care about cliché questions “like how are you?” we can always say “fine” no matter what hell we went thru that day. Or when someone asked “what are you doing now?” we can simply say “nothing” when actually only dead people does nothing.
But lets say, about something that can really affect our thinking or our future?
I’ll give my own experience again as an example.
I asked my mom once something about God and how He does things. It was kind of a complicated question but I’m sure my mom would have an answer to it. To my surprise she said, “Well, I’m not sure son, I’ll find out and I’ll let you know.” But afterwards she explained to me and said, “you know why I don’t want to answer straight away. I’d rather choose to make you wait for an answer and allow myself to really seek the correct, precise answer rather than giving you stupidity.” She doesn’t care about her image of not being able to answer on the spot, coz people have this thinking that you’re good only when you can straight away answer something – but she knew that it’s best to provide the correct answer rather than looking “good” in front of me.
The next day when she got the answer to it, she gave me something I’ve never knew and it went beyond my expectation! There’s power in seeking for the right answer, not the answer that you think is right at that moment when someone asked you something, especially when you’re counseling or guiding someone. I have to confess that I talk a lot of crap to what I think is unimportant, but I do talk seriously when it comes to these kind of questions. But still, sometimes I didn’t really take my time and answer on the spot even if I’m not 100% sure. And the result was, when I finished talking and hung the phone, the things that I know I should’ve said just came to me and it made me feel like calling the person again and re-do everything! Coz it’s much more powerful when you’re willing to take time to answer! =)
Now now, don’t go and say, “we’ll I’m not really sure… can you give me a moment to think about the answer? Maybe I’ll call you back tomorrow!” when someone is asking you whether he should just jump down from the window he’s standing on right now or not. X)
This will be long coz it’s a “trilogy”… lol… I mean it covered three days.
Well, let’s start with the interesting part where I met Ishak (some of u might know him… Indonesian from CHC too… Indonesian Church CG) at nearby BVSS. I was waiting for him in front of Cheers when suddenly Shawn came out of no where! I was shocked coz it was almost mid night already. He was going his friend’s house nearby when he saw me. So we chatted a while til Ishak came along. We joke nonsense for almost an hour when Shawn finally decided to resume his journey to his friends’ house – they didn’t go to school on Friday. So, me and Ishak talked about so many things til 3 in the morning! I also multy-tasked coz I was smsing with Hui Wah all the way at the same time. But it’s like, every sms has at least fifteen minutes intervals. XD
It was my first time contacting her after knowing her for quite some time in church! Hahaha. I always forgot to ask her number that’s why I got it from Joalin that day.
Well, Ishak walked me home and along the way I was feeling very sick and my head was spinning and felt like throwing up (lol, no, we didn’t drink alcohol…). Anw I reached home and slept straight away.
Well, I woke up at around 11 to meet Jin Sheng at Bedok at 1pm. He’s passing Cleo’s bass back. So both of us walked there. My gosh, it was a horrible journey! HOWT! The sun was like, wohoo… it was burning all right… but anw, thank God we reached the house not too long after enduring the days’ heat and we went straight to the attic – only kakak was at home. Played a couple of songs with him, he got the drums and I got the bass and mic. Played some worships and it was great.
FINALLY Clive reached home and so he took over the drums – time to play real praises! Hahaha. Well, we were expecting Ruben the whole day but he didn’t turn up! So I had dinner with the family and went home with my beloved bass that I lend to Cleo’s dad coz JS borrowed his, which in this case was just returned. At night Cleo called me and scolded me for sleeping so late and reaching home so “early” that day with Ishak… lol… she really sounded like a mother… hahaha! But I guess that’s how she shows her concern. And we talked for a short while about some CG stuff and abt Ishak before I chat online a little more til 1am with Joalin, Wyelin, Shawn n Hui Wah. Take turns la, not all in one go. Hui Wah was the last one. Not to mention I smsed Ruben earlier that night and asked him why he returned me the Hillsong London CD (he passed it through Shawn and didn’t see it properly til then) when I wanted my Hillson United CD back. I bought the Hillsong London CD for him and he didn’t even realize it! He said, “oh, you bought for me? Wah, what can I say? Thank you dude!” and I told him that he’s a perfect example of someone blessed but didn’t even know that he is! All along he thought I lend him mine! XD
Went to bed afterwards at around 1 plus.
Woke up early at 8.30am. Wanted to cook myself some eggs but there was none! So I just make Milo and went to the gym. Finished at 10.30 and I called Shawn to confirm our journey to Bruce’s house later on. Met Shawn at Bedok for lunch at 11.30 and reached Hougang at 1pm. Met JS, SH and Louis (I’m not sure about the spelling tho) and of course Ruxin! Hahaha.
Now this is the funny part… we went to Bruce’s house floor in front of the elevator door and was planning to surprise him somehow. We were talking for about a few minutes when suddenly Bruce came out from the elevator and said, “oh, hello!”
Hahaha… we laughed immediately coz our plan was ruined by such a stupid thing! He was downstairs buying some stuff… who would’ve known?! =P
Anw, we went in to the house and gave him his belated birthday presents which is actually on Friday. Have a cup of water and left. It was freakishly amazingly short! I mean, me and Shawn traveled all the way to Hougang just to chill around for like, TEN MINUTES! I’m serious! Lol. I was angry inside. XD
No la, I love Bruce! X)
Anw, I’m supposed to meet Elisa and Jason (Elisa was my classmate in Bali and Jason is her little bro that moved together with her to Singapore) to watch Ghost Rider but they cancelled it coz they gotta do some stuff for the uncle donno wad laa… quite pissed in the beginning coz it left me with nothing to do for the whole day!
But God is good, hehehe. I was on my way to Dhoby Ghaut with JS, Shawn n Louis when I received a sms from Hui Wah. She seemed to be prompted by the Spirit to ask me to walk around with her! Hahaha. So we met a Bugis and she went shopping. It was quite a short one coz I knew that she would’ve shopped A LOT longer if it was not on such a crowded day and if she was by herself. X)
Afterwards we went to TCC at City Link and had a nice-but-as-always-expensive drink. Hahaha. But it was not the drink cost that really matters, I got to know her better and that’s what matters. She’s a good friend and nice to talk to. Had a really good time today. =)
Went back thru Raffles Mall to take 14 when I saw Ruben with his friend at the toilet area. I intro him to Hui Wah and was surprised when she didn’t know who Ruben is – man, I thought EVERYONE knows Ruben! Errmm… whether in a good way or a bad way, u decide… =P
Reached our bus stop and we went our separate ways. Hahaha. Hopefully will see her more in school coz we’ll be in the same school! But not fair, she’s just a month older than me and she’s my senior! Hahaha. Oh well… price paid for being a foreigner. =P
Reached home and check out some stuff… was checking on also and it was pretty interesting! Man, I forgot to eat til now! Hahaha. I wrote enough already, I wanna cook. HAPPY NEW YEAR! XD
Well, today I woke up before noon and went to the gym myself. It was good. Had lunch and went home, slept thru my day. Woke up at dinner time and went out. Gave someone something. XD
Reach home and I’m sleeping again… nothing much la today… not feeling very well...
Winds Of Change.
No seriously, it sounds simple but it’s just the words I needed yesterday.
Couldn’t sleep yesterday, so I woke up and took my guitar, played some worships and finally fell asleep around 2 plus I think. But what a fateful day! Woke up at 7.45 this morning and went straight to Cleo’s house. She called me around 8.15 and said that she just woke up when she’s suppose to wake me up at 7! Hahaha.
Reached her house and met the parents, had a glass of Milo and ate the gardenia butter bread I bought from fair price near my house, and all of us went to TP. I thought they were going to the office or something to appeal for her course only, but guess what, it was even better than open house!
The lecturers and the staff of TP from every single course are there! And they have their own table to help every single person answer their inquiries about the courses! Hell, I thought it was going to be a casual walk to TP, but today turns out to be an eye opener! I really thank God for such Godly incident. Lol. Even Cleo’s parents didn’t know such thing was happening.
So she went her way with her parents to ask about her courses and she went for the special entry for good CCA performance thingy. It took really a long time to settle. And she gotta go for modern dance audition some more… today at 6pm. It’s done by now. I wonder how it goes? Well, call her later, I believe she did just fine. =)
And in the mean time I went my way and asked everything I wanna know about the design courses I wanna go into – visual comm., interior or environment. It was good, until I had this guy that offered me to spend my time listening to what he has to offer – Financial Business Informatics. Whoa, at first I have no interest in it, but as he continues giving his facts and analysis on the course, it really convinced me! And there’s a big factor also, coz all along I wanted something that can equip me in financial sector, for my family’s future business plan.
I told my mom and she called me from Indo, she said it sounds good as it will give me challenge and it will equip me with a whole new different skill! I mean, if I do what I’m already good at (design) I’ll be just magnifying what I have but I don’t really learn new things. Well, I will learn new things but not it terms of really NEW. So, I took up this course, FBI (Financial Business Informatics) and I believe for the best to come! =)
Well, my aunt was against it coz maybe she thinks this is just another boring course. My mom checked the web site and she gave me her total support. I sent my dad an sms and he said it sounds good, go for it. So, I signed up FBI as my first choice! =)
Went to the hospital to do my therapy. The therapist is damn funny! He’s the kind like a bit girly guy la. He’s not gay, but just bit bit girly and talk a lot one! But that was my most fun therapy so far! Hahaha… joke with him like nobody’s business. It was very fun. Anw, I’m lazy to go to details… next time if I have an interesting conversation, I shall record it down and post on you tube. =P
Ate at burger king and now I’m at Mandarin Gardens. I’m going to Roxy Sq. for my bass lesson later on! I can’t wait! I want my teacher to figure out Sweet Child O Mine for me! =P
Anw, I wanna take a rest… Bye world! =)
Woke up around noon, pack some food at Bedok and met my aunt at Mandarin Gardens and ate there. She went off and I went to the pool. Swam. Tan. As usual. Got back to the apartment and went online. I spend hours checking on different JCs, Universities and Polys. Especially the fees. JC cost around S$220 – S$400 every month. University depends on the courses. Some cost up to 40K/year. Some 20K/year. Well, after tuition grant it was 6K or something per year. Poly is 12K for foreign students per year. With tuition grant it becomes 2K but I gotta work in a Singapore company for 3 years.
Well, it was a long story of why I finally choose Poly. It was really what I wanted and I thank Cleo for helping me with her advices. Anw, my mom seems to approve of it and my aunt is happy also. My dad is anything one. Lol. Oh! And I think I have to keep my promise to Tina and Wyelin that I’ll be joining usher ministry if I’m going Poly! Hahaha.
So, mostly that’s how I spend my day! Deciding upon JC or Poly. Tomorrow will be a more “packed” day. I was planning to go to gym with Bert but I need to go visit TP for inquiries in the morning. So I cancelled it and maybe I’m going on Thursday to the gym instead. At 3pm tmr I’ll go for my check up and 9pm will be my bass lesson. Between 3 and 9pm I’ll go to Mandarin Gardens again and sign up to the JAE. And maybe rent some more VCDs… hehehe.
Oh well, I gptta wake up early tmr! Gonna play some songs and off to bed! Swimming is tiring. =)
Prayer meeting was great. Prayed for a lot of things but there was only me and Tina from E391. Lol. After prayer meeting I went Bedok to find Terence. He contacted me yesterday midnight and told me he need my help with some art stuff. Apparently it was a card that he wanted to make for a girl for V day. Hahahaha. The said, “thanks a lot man, you have no idea how important this is to me!” and I replied, “sigh… girls… they have the charm to make boys do stuff…”
Well, I helped him out and I really enjoyed it! One thing I kept on realizing, I can never get tired when someone ask me to do art! Just like during thanksgiving, they asked me to make some kind of a board for Tina. I worked for it for hours non-stop until it was dead late (with Cleo’s and Joalin’s help at Cleo’s attic) and the next day I continued for another few hours. But I never complain, instead I really enjoyed it. I think this is what “passion” means. =)
Well anyway, I pack some food to go and reach home. This is where I hate it. I went to my com, played the lovely and cool Hillsong London and was wanting to practice my bass. And after one song I got this freaking sms from the penguins that said, “we slep.” WHATEVER THAT MEANS! But I’m not so dumb so I came to a conclusion that she meant “sleep”. Lol. So I got really really mad COZ IT’S ONLY SEVEN! But hell I can’t do anything… I can’t come to them with a knife and do a serial murder. No matter how much I want to do it. And Lord, I promise I’ll repent afterwards… hehehehehehe….
So I slept…… with the lights on…… and below was all my jackets and clothes….. and it was horrible, the position…… but I slept til ELEVEN! Gosh…… I’m eating now as I’m writing this…
I check who’s online and chit chat here and there. Asked Joalin what’s her choices and told her I want to follow her choices! Hahaha. I really am going to do so I think… =P
And saw Allegra online but she didn’t reply, coz it was around 7am I think there in U.S. until just now! So I’m chatting with her now as I’m writing this! Hehehe.
And Wyelin said she has made up her mind to find me every Monday or Sunday to teach her guitar. But tmr she got BS. Oh well, sad, it’s her loss, not mine. =P
Well, the only good news I have during the whole day is brought by Cleo through a phone call… she told me that her mom’s friend mother (that makes it like, a grandma to me) has an extra room on her flat and Tampinese and it’s near TPJC. It’ll be great if I can stay there rather than staying with this “volume void” family. I mean, if I can really move there (coz it’s not confirmed yet) It’ll be wonderful.
Oh well, I think I wrote enough. Will write more, maybe, coz I’m not planning to sleep “late” tonight… I’ll sleep “early” today. =D
Nerds... XD
Well, I’m sure there’s something I can learn from them. And I gotta learn to accept that they may not be as open as Poly ppl. Yes, I may sound cocky but u should know, that I’m NOT a studying person! Hahaha. And it gives me the horror to imagine myself being a book-worm for two years. But well, I wanna get my education over and done with, so that’s why I chose this path. And I’m really believing for a miracle for my University entry. Coz my family simply couldn’t afford it. But in two years, lots of things can happen. =)
Sigh, what a change in my course of life… I’ve been imagining myself going thru Poly, enjoy what I like to do – which is design. Gradute and got my diploma, work and earn some money, go to U and SOT… but now it seems like everything is going to turn out so different… I’ll cram my head off for two years and take my A levels, go straight to U (somehow) and graduate with a degree and start my working life. Wow. I don’t know, man…
It’s still not decided 100% in my heart… someone I know please be my schoolmate in JC! Hahaha. That way I can feel better… Tampinese JC I think…
I’m off to prayer meeting. Maybe I’ll write more later. Take care ppl.
Woke up at 8 coz my mom called! Talked to her about school and I may be going JC. Well, slept again and woke up around 10 am. Check my comp and Allegra was online! I was so happy coz I wanted to talk to her for quite a while! And was chatting with Queenie too. Afterwards Allz gotta go coz she needs to call her friend that she said, “sounded really in need of someone to talk to.” So I went back to bed. I slept at 5am remember? So, in the end woke up at around 2pm plus. Check my comp and Elina was online so I chatted with her. Allz was on also so I we continued our conversation. I love weekends coz all my U.S. buddies go online! Hahaha.
Time flies and before I know it, it was almost 4pm. I washed up and got ready for church. I remembered I havn’t eat the whole day so I went to Bedok to eat. It was very rush but if I don’t eat, it wont be wise. So I reached church just on time. 4.57 pm. Lol.
Enjoyed the service. Today was very good but I have no strength to write it down… hahaha, maybe tomorrow.
So I went to Bedok, ate and walked Shavonne home while teaching her an Indonesian birthday song coz she wanted to sing it to her cousin that’s having his b’day on 11th Feb. She’s so sweet, I tell u, she also wrote a “speech” in English and asked my help to translate it into Indonesian so that she can read it later thru the phone to him also! Hahaha. It was a very sweet of her to do all this.
Anw, she bought me a drink and I went home by cab. Well, feeling a bit disappointed at someone right now… maybe I’ll sent an sms to that person. I don’t care how it’s gonna make that person feel.
Well, nitez! I’m going to the gym with Shawn tmr. =)
Oh, and about going JC, my gosh... I might just REALLY go JC... grrr... how how how???
Results are out!
True enough, the moment I step into the canteen, I saw like 10 of my indo friends sitting there. And when they saw me they just say out my name and gave me a clap! I was like, what the? Hahaha. It was Imanuel, Franky, Andy they all. They’re just a bunch of crazy Indos. Hahaha.
Oh! And u know I was looking at my school pants, I got two, and one of them is messed up. It’s a piece of art! Not pants no more coz I wrote on it and drew on it and put glue and ink on it! Hahaha. So I don’t want to get thrown out from the hall coz of “improper uniform”. So I took the other one and saw this big patch of red paint near the ass area. It looks like a friggin’ blood and it was so disgusting! So I went creative and took my marker, wrote around the red paint area “STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS.” Hahaha. Yeah, and when I reach school, I just can hear some people laughing behind my back. Lol. They must be enjoying my “art”… =P
Anyways, met JP and he brought his guitar so we played some church songs to pass time away. Met my classmates and I missed them so much! So happy to see Hakim, Faris, Rabia and Zaf. Carin and Haziq came late! Whoa, u gotta see Haziq, man. He’s Bob Marley, baby! Hahaha. I wish I had a picture of him.
Well, I thank God the vice principal didn’t blabber so much. It was quite an acceptable brief run-through of how well or badly the whole sec 4E and 5N done for their O level subjects. And suddenly we came to this page where they show how well the top student did! She’s from China and she’s from the first class. She was well known for her reputation when during her sec 3 years, she did an O level E math paper and got one hundred friggin’ percent… or was it ninety? Anyways it was awesome! Now u know what, she got B3 for English… and the rest she got NINE As! Wohooo… yeah man, with the Chinese she took last year, she took a total of 10 subjects.
Alrite, next one on the list was our very own head prefect, a super tall Indonesian girl! She got 7 distinctions. And the next, like, seven, nine of them? I can’t remember. Got 6 distinctions. And two of them were from my class! I’m very happy for them! Stevi and Wendy! And next on the list they got like, ten plus? Twelve of them? They got 5 distinctions.
And this is where I got shocked – I was one of them that got 5 distinctions! Oh my God… I mean, I wouldn’t expect that! Ever! Okay, let me tell you WHY…
English, the moment I step into Singapore’s education, I find the English very difficult and I failed. I passed border-line with a C6 and managed to get to sec 4. in sec 4 I began to be more serious in class and listen to the teacher. I see improvements and my best result was my prelim which is B3.
Math, my algebra sux to the core. Lol. I was one of the best in my Indo school last time, but if some of u didn’t know, I didn’t go to school for almost a year before I moved to S’pore. And during that period, it seems like I just lost all my algebra skills! I got great marks for chapter by chapter class test on maths! But when it comes to the combined mid-year paper or end of year paper or prelims, where they combine the things with a lot of algebra, I always got a C or a B! It agitates me as I know that I actually can do it! Grrr… thank God not much algebra came out during Os. And by then I practiced more and I got help from Cleo. Yeah, A math student… lol.
Science, I made stupid mistakes in my O level practical! Really, really, stupid! And I didn’t know the whole section of organic chem! It’s like, whoa man, it’s gonna be tough to get an A. I pushed myself to study a few days before the test, just to recap and cover all the chapters. I really stress myself coz I never exceed studying for 2 hours. Lol. That’s how lazy I was. My usual studying time is half an hour one day before the paper and the 10 mins I get before the paper starts. Lol.
Malay, I got B3 on my first try, re-take it and it was well paid off. =)
More to it la! But basically my meaning is, it’s clear that it’s not my own strength! Really, really, really I know and I’m sure that it was God that gave these results! I AM lazy… I have no intention on studying! But God knows that if I can get good marks, I will be able to go anywhere with ease! So, His goodness, He just poured it out to me and gave me the 5 distinctions!
English, Math, Science, Art, Malay all A2. Humanities B4, Geog B3.
L1R4 = 10, L1R5 = 13!
Praise God!
Well, went to Kembangan with Cleo to meet Stephen… it’s suppose to be a happy day for me, but I really feel sad about how my other friends did. It’ll be great if all of them were to get better than me or at least near to my result, that way we can really celebrate together… but being the one “scoring higher” doesn’t make me feel so good.
So, went to Cleo’s house after a meal with her, Stephen and Melisa. Got to play a few songs without bass (coz Jin Sheng borrowed Cleo’s bass) before CG starts with Ruben they all. Won the game together with Chen Xian. It was “eating the hanging cracker with yucky sweet black sauce all over it the fastest” competition. Lol. Got two buckz each as a prize!
During CG we sang “Perfect Love”. The song really brings me back to the time when Bedok View was still having prayer meeting together! Me and Cleo loved to play this song for one season. And got one time we play together using two guitars and one would pick melodies while the other strum the chords. It’s a very beautiful, simple song. And somehow I can feel a tug in my heart and it says only a few words, “prayer… pray…” and I got a feeling to share a testimony about how I feel! Well, I didn’t. My testimony was just about my results. And guess what, today’s CG topic was about PRAYER! Hahaha… should’ve listened to the Holy Ghost.
Yeah, missed those old times when we were not so into our own stuff and so busy with things that we can spare a time to meet and pray. Gotta resume it somehow. Prayer meetings really is powerful. Builts the bond in your CG and really allows God to move mightily and change the situation for your good.
Hey, I’ve written enough. Good night world. =)
Good Will Hunting.
Well, Matt Damon was very young at that time! Check him out playing the movie Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy, both of ‘em rockz! He’s really good at acting. His expressions are very real. Anyway, in Good Will Hunting, Ben Afflect was still quite young! He’s pretty old now I guess. Hahaha. And of course, Robin Williams. He’s really such an actor! I mean, he has this thing in him that makes movies alive! Really.
Lot’s of “F” words in the movie, and pretty frequently used actually. Hehehe. But don’t be bothered by it, the message in the whole story is just touching. Well, one of it is about imperfection.
In the movie, Robin Williams was talking to Matt Damon about his wife, which passed away. Robin Williams said that she likes to fart during her sleep! Hahaha. The way he said it was very hilarious! And got one time she slept and she farted so loud that she woke up the dog! And the worse one was when she farted during her sleep and she woke up herself and turn to him, asking, “was that you?” Hahaha. Of course it’s not Robin’s real wife, it’s just part of the movie story.
They both laughed like mad but then Robin continued, he said that now even when she’s gone, that was the moments he remembered. People say that it’s imperfection, that it was a flaw. But to him, her imperfection has made their time together memorable. So he said to Matt, “So what if you’re not perfect? So what if she’s not perfect? Together, you can be perfect for each other.”
Awww… so touching. There’s more but it’s kinda’ long to tell and I need to sleep or else I’ll be late for my O levels result collection tmr. Hahaha. Nitez world! =)
First Breakfast! (not last supper)
So yeah, I cooked two eggs and make a glass of milo for myself. It was really good! It has been SOOOOO long since I ate any kind of breakfast! Should really start a healthy lifestyle… hmmm… aiya, laziness creeps in already just by having the thought it… =P
Met Bert in front of the police station near my house and we walked for 5 mins til we reach the gym. It was awfully near to my house! Should go more often… hahaha. Well, I don’t want to shock my muscles and get a cramp, coz it’s been very long since I go to the gym or exercise, so I started on all the training quite lightly. It was just an hour session, but if u were there, you’ll be shock how my muscles grew! It literally grew! Like, twice the size! Hahaha.
But u know why? It was just a temporary thing. Every time we exercise a lot or at the gym, we really push our muscles to do heavy work. So blood pumps into our muscles (mostly in the hand area where it is most visible) and it grew very big. But guess what, an hour later it’ll grow smaller again and tomorrow you’ll se it returning to original size. Hahaha. That’s why we need constant training, which I may start doing. Maybe twice a week – if I managed to defeat my laziness. =P
Okay, so we were done, chit chat a bit with him for a while and we went home. I waked home and once I reached home I just play my bass and practice the scales I’ve learned in my bass lesson. But was very tired so I took a nap. About one and a half hours. Woke up and it was lunch time, I’m suppose to eat, but I didn’t. play some stuff with my comp, design something which I wont reveal for the time being and guess what, it was 4pm already.
So I bathe and I left house to eat my lunch and dinner at Bedok. Met Shawn at 5pm and we took bus 2 to Riverwalk. Had BS at 6pm. It very good! I learned a couple of things that I really need to meditate on first and maybe next time I’ll share.
Took bus 12 and went home. Lol. Shawn was very cute all the way. when we were leaving for Riverwalk, he slept all the way. I kept watch of the place we were and thank goodness didn’t miss the stop. I woke him up and we went out from the bus. When we were going home, he also slept all the way! Well, I was reading my book The Templars half way and felt very drowsy. So I slept also. It was very inconvenient coz I sat NOT next to the window which Shawn is happily leaning his head unto. Hahaha. Oh well. Managed to say goodbye to him (he was half-awake) and dropped at Tanah Merah MRT. I walked home. It was not so far. Along the way I composed this stupid sms that sound’s like some medieval commander encouraging his troops to prepare them for a huge war.
“4e4… my brethren, my family, my fellow transgressors of education.. Tomorrow will be the day, that will change our lives forever.. The day of our destiny.. Lest anyone fall, let them die in honor, but let it be far from 4e4, for we will emerge as champions! So let us be merry tonight! (actually to make it sound more real, I’m suppose to add “drink your wines and sleep with you wives” before I realized no one’s married and I’m sending to girls also… XD) And as we enter back into the land of BVSS tomorrow, we shall enter, fearless! Long love 4/4!!”
Wohoooo tomorrow’s our result! O LEVEL STUDENTS!! EMBRACE YOURSELVES!! =P

Hehehe... power of photoshop. ;)
Kids... =P
Opened my eyes for 20 seconds at 8.20am. read the sms form my aunt that says she needs my help to go to Mandarin Gardens and sent this file she needed today. And I said in my mind, “with pleasure my dear aunt!”
Hahaha. But was too tired to reply. So I slept again. Well, woke up at around 11.30 and left house to eat at Bedok. Along the way I was reading the book The Knights Templar. I think it’s a pretty good book. Not to mention it’s somehow related to the book The First Crusade that I read. It’s an awesome history book! It tells us about the crusade during the dark ages, people kills in the name of God. If you have the time, go research on it and find out what it is. The Crusade. It’s very interesting.
Reached Bedok, pamper myself with one big plate of duck rice and another plate of oyster sauce veggy. Reached Mandarin Gardens, got the file transfer done and head to tha pool! Wohoo! By that time it was around one plus, so the sun is up and everything was just nice. Swam, tan, swam, tan, head back to the room by 3pm and watched Click.
Hey, why do ppl need to eat twice a day? I mean, I’m getting used to eating once a day it’s making me normal to it, man. Hahaha. I know it’s not good. And it’s a bad habit. But hey, sometimes can’t help it. Too lazy too cook or walk down to spend money and find some food. Lol.
Well well well, love is in the air. I didn’t know so many of my friends are falling in love nowadays. Well, truly a guy can’t live without a girl and vice versa. But wonder why, some are just running away from the thought of it. They don’t want families, or some don’t want children.
I was talking to one of my friends and she said, “the idea of having a fetus growing inside my stomach is making me sick.”
Lol, that’s a nice way of putting it. But then I said (which I believe is quite true), “so if you don’t wanna have babies, why not get a husband and adopt babies! That way u can enjoy sex without the need of going thru the pain of labor.”
And check out what she said, “Lol. That’s true. That’s the use of condoms nowadays!”
Hahaha… future talk, u know… plan early, don’t be sorry and stuff…
But well, I was in another conversation with another friend (very long ago) and we agree that actually kids are the ones that made a family, a family! It brings colors to the parent’s life and meaning to it!
I mean, check out one example I’m living with – my landlord. They’re just an old couple! With no one else to worry about but each other! Sounds good to you? Hell, not for me. Imagine getting all the money, and saving it up for yourselves. Well maybe sent some for your parents once in a while, but, taking care of your own flesh and bones are so much meaningful! Giving them life, scolding, love, education, future, guidance, lies and truths that hurts all the same, it’s meaningful! Lol. But well, they may be “barren” if u know what I mean… =P
And most likely the women coz if it’s the guy, they can go to the sperm bank for crying out loud.
ANYWAYS! Lol. Maybe I’m gonna rent some more VCDs. But before that I’m gonna cook my yummy delicious dinner – indomie. Hehehehe… “healthy” is my middle name! =P
There are some more interesting conversations I had in my life that got to do with this topic... oh well, maybe I'll spare it for later... (:
The Guardian
It’s a story of a legendary coast guard named Randall (Kevin Costner) that saves so many life, that some said he saved 200 lifes before. On one stormy day, he was on a rescue mission with his team. It was a cargo ship wrecked. They reached the scene with their rescue helicopter and saw only dead bodies – except for one boy that manage so signal them that he’s still alive. Randall jumped down onto the raging sea and managed to get the boy into a life basket connected to the helicopter where the helicopter can lift the boy to safety. But without warning, a cargo box tossed so high by the waves hit the tail of the helicopter. The helicopter lose control and it crashed into the sea, burning to it’s very end.
The boy inside the life basket looked straight into Randall’s eyes, and he was pulled down into the ocean’s depths as the helicopter sunk, for the basket was connected straight to the helicopter – Randall was powerless. Randall’s partner emerged from the sea, survived the explosion with half of his faced burned. Randall hold on tight to him and told him, “they’re going to come for us.”
The coast guard HQ sent an airplane to cross over the crash area and drop a life boat for Randall and his friend to rest in as they wait for rescue team to be reach. His friend was in great pain and when he was about to give up, Randall said, ”no! you’re going to survive! We’re going home! Hang on… Hang on!”
Morning came, and the rescue team finally located them. Randall, freezing and barely living, were carried into safety and brought back to base. His friend died.
After the tragedy, Randall was given the task to train new recruits! It was the last thing he ever wanted, but the commander told him that it would be a good break for him as he needed rest to recover from the trauma of the tragedy. That’s where he met Jake (Ashton Kutcher). Jake was cocky, yet talented indeed. After the long, inspiring training from Randall, the new recruits were brushed up from their raw character, into someone that values other’s life more than theirs. Their code: “So others may live.”
Jake graduated, and he became a full time rescue swimmer, just like Randall. But during one rescue mission, Randall was still haunted by the tragedy and it almost cost a person’s life during that mission. Jake was his partner that time and he managed to make Randall snap out of his trauma.
The rescue was a success, but Randall resigned once he reached the base.
Before Randall left, Jake got to talk with him and they had this conversation:
Jake : “So, umm… before you go, I got one more thing to ask you. How many was it? What was your real number? (saves)”
Randall: “twenty-two.”
Jake : “twen… oh… twenty-two… (in disbelief) oh okay. Not bad… not bad at all… it’s not two hundred or anything but not bad… (still in disbelief! Hahaha, his face was hilarious)”
Randall : “It’s the number of lives I’ved lost, Jake. It’s the only number you need to keep track of.”
Well, finally in the end, Jake went on a mission. It was a fishing boat (not the small ones, those that was used to fish hundreds of Tunas at one go) with 4 men in it. He managed to save the 3 very smoothly coz they were on deck. One was trapped inside. Jake went in and saw the man trapped by his leg to a metal thingy. Jake reported to the helicopter and they said they can’t hold any longer for the fuel is running out. Jake told him to leave him and come back coz he wanted to save this guy.
The helicopter left. On that very night, Randall was happen to be at the HQ and were going to pack his last stuffs when he overheard the situation. There was no other swimmer ready to go so Randall was the only hope to save Jake. Randall put on his swimming costume once again and took off with another helicopter.
Jake, still on the scene, tossed to and fro inside a fragile boat, managed to free the person’s leg. But suddenly, the boat shook so hard at pieces of it broke off and sealed the door in which Jake was in so he could not get out.
He’s trying hard but the door wont budge, and the guy he was trying to save hit his head to a metal thingy during the incident and passed out. Before he knew it, the water was filling inside the room and he was trapped inside – Randall’s his only hope.
Randall arrived on scene and used a metal wire down from the helicopter to the boat. The metal wire got stuck into one of the boat’s metal thingy again and Randall has to let go of the wire and climb down to the deck. The managed to land and found himself closer and closer to Jake.
They both heard each other and Randall held on to a metal bar above him and kicked all the metals that was locking the door while Jake took his last breath of air, for the water filled the room. Randall, with his final kick opened the door and together with Jake, all the water inside the room gushed out. They held to each other and walked out from the cabin to the deck. By now the ship was starting to sink and the wind was howling ever stronger.
The helicopter lowered down the metal wire and both Randall and Jake managed to lock themselves to the wire just before the whole ship sank into the ocean. It was a wonderful moment to know that they’re going to live to see another day.
Just like any turns in movies, the metal wire wears off and it was going to snap. It was damaged when the wire was stuck during Randall’s descent. Now the helicopter crew can only hope that the wire would be able to hold until two of them reached the helicopter. It was still a long way to go. Randall on the other hand, who knew best about situations like this, unlocked himself from the metal wire and said, “this wire will not hold both of us.” And he let go of the wire. Jake, was stunned yet his reflexes succeeded him to catch Randall by one hand just before he fell. Jake said, “I wont let go!”
Their hands are slowly slipping away, and they were in the tip of each other’s finger. The wire made noises as if to warn them that their time is almost up and they both will fall, very, very soon. Randall looked into the sea, 80 feet below him and said, “I will.” He took of his gloves that Jake was holding on into and he dropped from 80 feet high, into the raging waves, in which from that height, no man can survive a fall into the water.
The next day, the U.S. Coast Guard made the biggest search history ever know, to find the body of the legendary swimmer, heroes to many, Randall. Their actions were in vain.
Life goes on, and Jake continued his noble job as a coast guard. One day he saved this man and once they both reached the helicopter, he man asked, “where’s the other one?”
Jake looked into the ocean and replied, ”There is no other one…”
The man continued, “there was! He was there! When I was about to drown he kept on saying ‘don’t give up! Hold on! They’ll be here! Just hold on!’ and he never let go of me… he never let go… never let go…”
The End:
“There was a legend. Of a man living in deepest side of the ocean. Helping those who are in need. Telling them never to let go. Of course, I was just a legend… but they call him, the Guardian.”
Long but awesome, huh?? =P
Going back to Bedok North soon. Just need to pack my stuff and go. Yes I’m at my aunt’s place if I forgot to mention. Maybe I’ll watch Click at home. Take care ppl. =)
Life goes on.
Learned A LOT in the lesson today. Gotta practice and show it off to my whole band. Hehehehehehehee.
Went to bedok to eat, met Jeffry! He was waiting for his friend but somehow he looked very stressed out. I wonder why. And he was still waiting when I finished my food. Oh well.
Went to Changi General Hospital. The people in the therapy room was surprised they saw me again! Hahaha. And all of ‘em said that I looked very different with my long hair. Hahaha. I miss that place, the people there are like my friends! But the therapy today was painful. They say I need to rub on my scar more coz it’s getting pretty stiff. Anw, next appointment is next week.
At my aunt’s place now, gotta settle some business stuff. Helping out my mom. Afterwards I think I’m gonna watch The Guardian and Click so I can return the VCD’s to the aunty at the shop here in Mandarin Gardens.
I’ll write more tonight I guess. Take care guys.
Well, I rented two other movies, The Guardian and Click. Heard from my friend that The Guardian is really good and heard from lots of ppl that I have to watch Click and that it has a lot of meaning to the story. Maybe I’ll watch later after I finish typing… or should I sleep…? Sigh… decisions, decisions, decisions…
Tomorrow I’ll be having my bass lesson… but there’s no news at what time it will be. The teacher is kinda’ busy to the timing keeps on changing. Anw, tmr I’ll be seeing the doctor also. Check up on my finger. It hasn’t healed 100% but it’s getting better and better. But somehow the pain is also getting more and more as it comes closer to full recovery.
Have u ever felt unsatisfied continually? Like, you want to do something when you’re doing nothing, and you want to do something else when you’ve started doing something. And once we’ve done so much, you just want to stop everything and do nothing. Lol. Funny isn’t it…
“Being determined is fixing your focus on one direction to achieve the goal you’ve set, regardless of challenges faced, being flexible enough to make changes yet not compromising to anything less than what you’ve wanted to achieve. It is being a good finisher of what you’ve started.”