
I was crossing the road and I saw the street light. Red means stop and green means go. Don’t really care about yellow, it just peeked and go.

But I find that red is pretty attractive, don’t you? I like red. My bass is red in color. Girls in red are hot. Roses are red they’re my fav flowers. I love steaks and they are red before they’re cooked. And definitely I love ang baos. “ang” means “red”, correct? =P
Many more.

Red is also used to define and depicts other things such as emotions, moods and passion. Red can also means strength and power, or determination and ambition, for it blazes like a fiery red flame that burns everything in it’s path.

It also means danger. Sometimes used to draw the evil and burning condition of hell. Mixed with black, it becomes the perfect description of tormenting darkness. Red is the color of our blood, the color of our sacrifices and our hurts.

But our hearts are drawn red, and it becomes the color of love and passion. In Chinese culture, I believe it’s the color of prosperity.

Red is a powerful color, though it attracts, its strength and its power to give and to take are even stronger, that it is used to color “STOP”.

Green gave me the feeling of calm and peace, that it made me want to just stop and enjoy life and the nature around me. Green are associated with peace, nature, tranquility, health, money and more money. =)

In the morning, if you have the time, just like me when I’m doing my morning quiet time, I would look and gaze at the beauty of the nature outside my window. Well, there’s a lot of buildings in Singapore, but there’s also a lot of majestic trees. See things positively! =)
It relaxes my eyes and made things felt so fresh!

Some people dread green, coz it reminds them of veggy. X)

So, although green is such a relaxing natural color, it is used to color “GO” because of the feeling of security it provides. Because people want to feel save, they need a comforting color to let them know that they can walk with no fear. Your heart pumps when you walk towards something glowing in red, because there’s so much mystery. What will you find? Danger? Passion? Love? Anger? Yet, when you walk towards something glowing in green, you’re rest assured that everything is well.

Or maybe not! It can all means nothing! It all can be lie! It all can be some kind of propaganda to make us fear and believe at certain things in this world! Hehehe… whatever it is… you decide what you want to believe… whether it’s right or wrong, you’ll never know til the day you decided that you want to find out. This explains why people acted in a way that doesn’t seem wrong to them, when the whole world (except for a couple of other partners-in-stupidity) is actually against them. Or why someone can feel not loved when actually people around them loves and cares for them so much! Because two different person can see the same exact thing, but think in a totally different way. They can listen to the exact same information, but receives it in a totally different manner – who’s right and who’s wrong? No one knows. No one can judge.

Only One can. And you’re not Him. =)
So don’t even try – save your time do to something better. There’s so much more in life.


Anonymous said...

LOL i like this blog.
RED is also a very sexy colour on guys. I don't know if u remember me telling you that. =P