Good Will Hunting.

Just watched Good Will Hunting! It was very nice! The story was very touching and it’s very meaningful! U know, actually I rented this VCD coz I remember that pst.Kong used this movie as one of the examples to portray that actually people are making movies that has the same meaning or message parts of the scripture is trying to tell, remember that service?

Well, Matt Damon was very young at that time! Check him out playing the movie Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy, both of ‘em rockz! He’s really good at acting. His expressions are very real. Anyway, in Good Will Hunting, Ben Afflect was still quite young! He’s pretty old now I guess. Hahaha. And of course, Robin Williams. He’s really such an actor! I mean, he has this thing in him that makes movies alive! Really.

Lot’s of “F” words in the movie, and pretty frequently used actually. Hehehe. But don’t be bothered by it, the message in the whole story is just touching. Well, one of it is about imperfection.

In the movie, Robin Williams was talking to Matt Damon about his wife, which passed away. Robin Williams said that she likes to fart during her sleep! Hahaha. The way he said it was very hilarious! And got one time she slept and she farted so loud that she woke up the dog! And the worse one was when she farted during her sleep and she woke up herself and turn to him, asking, “was that you?” Hahaha. Of course it’s not Robin’s real wife, it’s just part of the movie story.

They both laughed like mad but then Robin continued, he said that now even when she’s gone, that was the moments he remembered. People say that it’s imperfection, that it was a flaw. But to him, her imperfection has made their time together memorable. So he said to Matt, “So what if you’re not perfect? So what if she’s not perfect? Together, you can be perfect for each other.”

Awww… so touching. There’s more but it’s kinda’ long to tell and I need to sleep or else I’ll be late for my O levels result collection tmr. Hahaha. Nitez world! =)