When we first began, it was Ruben, Clive and I that started to jam some songs. I remembered that the three songs: Warning and Holiday by Greenday and Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet were the first three songs we ever played together! It was a lot of fun! And Ruben came up with a name for our band – Enigmatical. Came from the word Enigma which means mystery and add up the "-tical" just to make it sounds cool. =P
Well, one day Ruben and I wanted to join our school’s talent-time. We needed a drummer coz Clive was P6 at that time and an extra guitarist to make it better. We found David, my classmate as the drummer and Salihin, Cleo’s classmate as the rhythm guitarist. We played Are You Gonna Be My Girl and it was quite okay. But we didn’t win although the judge’s comments were pretty positive. They gave the prizes to solo cover singers. Lol. Yay unto them.
The next big gig was when Dolly (Cleo’s x-classmate – she went back to Indo after retaining in sec 3… again…) planned on making a performance for some Indonesian thingy. I forgot what it was. All I remembered was the first Indonesian Idol will be there and it’s quite a big thing! So, we made a bigger band this time: Dolly lead vocals, Wen Wen backup vocals, Ruben and Clive on the guitar, Cleo on the keyboard, Imanuel on the drums and my self with the bass. Did I miss anyone? Anw, we decided to sing One Way by Hillsong (yea man, spread the gospel) and one Indo song… aiya, forgot the title la… and… Addicted by Simple Plan, which turns out to be horrible! And to spice things up, we call our band AHA! What does it stands for? Go Aha! Go Aha! Aha aha ahaaa!! Woooo!! XD
It was none other than one of Dolly’s mad ideas. She IS kinda loony u know? =P
Tobie, Dolly,Cleo, Imanuel, Ruben, Wen Wen, puny Clive.
This was one of the picture of that day. I painted the red “uniform” using a black ink everyone’s name. Lol, turns out to be a killer. Coz Ruben and Clive were sweating on stage and they instinctively wipe their faces using their shoulder in which their name was written on. It was NOT a permanent ink, so u know what happened… XD
Anw, Raymond was one of the judges… YES! CHC’s guitarist bro… I mean, Raymond! Well, we just rock the day, but guess what, the sound system sux and our sound prep was only given 2 mins. IT’S NOT FRIGGIN ENOUGH! As a result, it was horrible, the sound, everything. But we were ignorant and we were blissful. We just show them how much energy we have and we jump here jump there. Lol.
We waited for very, very long before result came out. We didn’t win anything, but we had fun and definitely experience a lot of exposure. So we throw the evening away by playing in this giant balloon castle… it’s not a balloon la, it’s like rubber castle with air in it. So we played like mad and jump around like frogs and fell on each other like rain and it was just fun to let go ourselves after the “defeat”. Whoa man, but it’s confirmed that we didn’t have any chance u know! I mean, phew, the other players were awesome. The winners were like an acoustic group that played instrumental! But it was just beautiful. They played so well and the sound they made were so clean.
Alright! Let’s go on with the band’s journey! Along the way, we got called for small gigs by Cleo’s father to play for his friend’s company small party or just to jam some new songs. But the next one that I will never forget was, The Rock Concert! It was pastor CK’s idea, to make an outreach with the rock band as the main event! That was the most rocking experience we ever had! Why? Because that was the first time we played around 8 different songs on a single event! Okay, let me recall: God’s Romance by Delirious, Better Man by Robbie Williams, All Around The World by Oasis, Salvation Is Here and Glorious Redeemer by Hillsong, We Will Shine by GMB, Warning and Holiday by Greenday.
Ok, talk about the preparation and practice, it was really a point where our band went to the next level! This time was Ruben, Me, Clive, Bruce, Cleo, Jerrick, Rebecca and Stephen. Bruce played the slow songs on the drums coz at that time Clive was not very good with slow songs – he’s a drum whacker. =P
There was a slight problem with another band also, but I wont talk about it. It’s over so no need to big the past, yes? =)
Catherine (AKA Sister Catherine) was the one looking after the band the whole time we practiced at Cleo’s. She really trained us very, very well! She told us all that she knew about music and how to slow down and built climax at the right time and at the right parts of the songs. How to be manageable and humble. And how to put our focus on the right track. She told us how we should really pray every time before we practice, let God intervene and give us the flow and unity we needed. I believe that is why we are so united right now, that phase of our band’s journey was really the turning point that led us deeper into this whole band thing. Glorify God, yet being contemporary.
Rebecca, Stephen, Jerrick, Ruben, Pst.Chee Kiang, Bruce, Tobie.
Stephen rock with his guitar solos! Ruben is the main man as always, the outstanding one! Cleo and Clive were not here in the pic coz they had to go early. But Clive rocks with his beat and he was only P6 at that time! Cleo’s voice mesmerizes the people. Rebecca’s keyboard is all we need to perfect the sound of the band. Jerrick and his beautiful voice brought our band to the next level. Bruce looks very cute and we just love him. Me? I was just someone within the shadows, and my silhouette creates the sound of that melodious beat that leads the whole song in its own mysterious way. XD
U know, let me side track a bit and share with you what my friend, Carl, a real musician, shared with me when I was back in Bali on Dec 2006. A band (consisting of the basic five) is likened to a house. Drums are the foundation and Bass are the skeleton of the house and the roof. Guitars are likened to the bricks and Keyboards are the cement that makes the bricks looks smoother and made the house stronger. And Vocals are the paint of the house, the one that covers and creates the beauty.
Why is that so? Drums and Bass can play by themselves. Though it is incomplete, it will create an awesome melody! If you don’t believe me, go find some bass instrumental songs. You’ll be shocked. Guitars are next on the list, why? Coz there are so many 3-piece band and they rock like hell. Greenday for example? Keyboards are not necessary but it can “smoothen” the whole sound of the music. It’s better to have them around and will make the band stronger in sound. And Vocals are like paint that gave colors to the music – emotions, feelings, messages and morale.
So, afterwards I went back to Indonesia, the band got a performance for our Zone’s thanksgiving 2005. Ruben took the bass. They say it was not as good but that proves that they can make it without me. I was happy coz the last thing I wanted is for my band not to be able to progress just coz lack of members. They had fun I believe, while I spent my time with my dear family. =)
The three of us got exposed to more songs, and as the year 2006 is ending, we were hoping for another Rock Concert – though traces of it gave us a spark of hope, it didn’t happen. We only heard news that there will be another thanksgiving outreach soon. So I went back to Bali for only 2 weeks plus on Nov - Dec 2006 coz I want to be there for my band. But guess what, 3 days before my date to go back to Singapore, they planned on resuming on the outreach without me. Coz there was no time and Christmas is coming soon…
This was not what the band wanted, I know. They explained it to me. This was the decision made from “on high”. I mean the Zone la, that initially wanted this performance. But really, this thing really hurt me at that time. I purposefully planned just a short trip to Bali so that I can be back, on time for the performance. No matter how much more time I wanna spend with my family and friends over there. But, look at what happened. I was really upset for I think, a month plus, with the band, but I didn’t say anything. Some said things that didn’t made me feel better, while some like Cleo tried to assure me that I didn’t miss anything big, coz they played only like 3 songs and that time the drama was the main thing. I didn’t care.
Well, now I got over it and put that matter behind. Call me childish for acting like that, but I hope you can understand how I feel at that time. Not long after my return, as we enter to 2007, more things cropped up. No longer can we play as often at Cleo’s. Only once every fortnight. I wont go into details, but that’s a big problem, coz that means we can’t play and practice as often anymore and it may not be healthy for the band unity. But the reason as to why we can’t, were pretty convincing and so we accepted it.
I refused to stop where I was, and so I asked my aunt to put me in a bass tuition class for two months, once a week class to increase my skills. True enough I’m so much better now in theory and skills. I thank God and my aunt for giving me that opportunity to upgrade myself. I’m pretty much content with where I am now. I can be more sensitive to music and I can figure out songs much faster and more accurately. But I wont stop here. I’ll learn more.
Right now, I feel that our band is really in amidst of a crossroad, and we have to decide on one direction together, or else…
Well, one of the problem I see, that Clive and Ruben might not see, is our choice of music. I want some new songs but the two of them don’t seem to care less. Clive want songs but it’s all kinda old to us, he gave me the feeling that he’s very content with the songs we can play and not willing to move on. Ruben want other songs and we have no idea what it is. But since he’s the singer, he somehow led this band and we just… agrees…
This thing has a good side on it coz it “forces” me to improve my singing. I have NO confidence when it comes to singing on the mic before. And I always went out of tune! But I practiced and I’m better now. why do I want to sing? So that I’m not limited with what Ruben can sing. The more people that can do things, the better.
Definitely, all of us got better and focuses more on our own parts. I mean, Clive improved a lot and he can play beats he used to be unable to. Many more. But I pray that this problem will be resolved somehow. Maybe I will need to let them know how I feel about the current situation. Or maybe shutting up is best sometimes and let them realize it themselves. =P
Now I can see the challenge in keeping the unity of a band. Now I understand why great bands always disband. Lol. Not always disbanded, but a lot of the players left. Mr. Big, Guns ‘n’ roses. It’s not easy to make individuals to live the same dream and direction. It’s not easy for them to learn how to understand each other and resolve a problem. To accept their own place and not wanting more spotlight, or in other words, it’s not easy to fight our selfishness and to always think for the good of the band.
People out there just casually say, let’s make a band! Out of the discovery of their talent in music. They recruit whoever they know, as long as they got a band. But not knowing the importance of the same heart and the bond that has to be formed way beyond the band to the daily lives.
That’s why I thanked God that my band are of the same church and the same heart. The way this band is formed is really though personal discoveries and revelations. You can ask Ruben and Clive how amazingly they experienced the forming of this band. Crossroads like these are inevitable, but I have not a worry that our band will get into a conflict or anything. Coz all of us are close friends, not just as a band, but as an individual on our daily lives.
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